english deutsch
Akron, University of Federalist Society
Chapter newsletters, upcoming events information, and links to FedSoc, research aids, and government and historical documents.
Boalt Hall Federalist Society
University of California, Berkeley
Boston College Federalist Society
Background, press releases, meetings and events, and membership list.
Capital University Law School Federalist Society
Describes club activities and provides archives of the newsletter, minutes, membership, and CULS Federalist principles.
Chicago Lawyers Chapter of The Federalist Society
Chicago-Kent College of Law Federalist Society
Lists chapter events, articles on current issues, officers, and statement of beliefs.
Federalist Society at the University of South Caro
Describes purpose, types of events sponsored, and current officers.
Federalist Society Chapters in Wisconsin
Listing maintained by the Milwaukee lawyers chapter. Also provides links relating to Wisconsin law and bar, conservative philosophy, and federal public policy.
Harvard Law School Federalist Society
Focusese on symposia and current officers.
Harvard Law School Federalist Society
Event listing, photo gallery, news archive, course outlines, alumni resources, and related links.
Miami, University of School of Law Federalist Soci
Executive board and advisors listed, as well as information on upcoming events and links of historical, legal, and political interest.
Michigan Law School Federalist Society
Includes law student resources and an extensive link collection, as well as future events for free-market oriented students at the University of Michigan.
Rutgers Law School - Newark Chapter of the Federal
Provides event calendar and current and archived issues of their journal, The Rutgers Federalist.
Stanford Federalist Society
Conservatives and libertarians at Stanford University's Law School. Site names favorite judges, lists current officers and upcoming events, and points to related links.
Texas Tech University Chapter
Includes articles, calendar, quotes, links, and FedSoc membership information.
The Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy S
Non-profit organization of law students and attorneys advancing the principles that the state exists to preserve freedom, that the separation of governmental powers is central to our Constitution, and that it is emphatically the province and duty of the judiciary to say what the law is, not what it should be.
Yale Law Federalist Society
Includes upcoming events, links, and officers.