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Buchanan, Pat
Christians Against Buchanan, Common Decency, Elemental Fairness and Pat Buchana, How the West was lost, Pat Buchanan Archive, Pat2K - Immigration, The American Cause
Coulter, Ann
American Politics Journal - The Wit and Wisdom (NO, Ann Coulter - Official Site, Ann Coulter's Slander: An Analysis, Anticoulter.com, Capital Games: Ann Coulter Goes to the Movies, Cornell Review: Coulter's Confederacy, Coulter Watch, Daily Howler - Coulter Dissembles Right to the End, Devil in a Blue Dress, dKosopedia - Ann Coulter
Schlafly, Phyllis
Phyllis Schlafly - Columns, Phyllis Schlafly, Cyber-Warrior, Testimony on Channel One, TownHall.com: Phyllis Schlafly