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"Globalization" and "Neo-liberalism
Article by J. Bradford DeLong tracing the emergence of globalization in the Chronicle of Higher Education.
A Primer on Neo-liberalism
Brief overview on concepts on this matter. Includes how it emerged.
A Short History of Neo-liberalism
Text of a speech by Susan George outlining twenty years of neo-liberal economic policies.
After Neo-liberalism, What?
Article by Dani Rodrik published from the Economic Times, 2002.
Canadian Dimension: Neoliberalism, the State and t
Greg Albo, from York University Canada, argues that an assessment of the left today must begin with an analysis of neo-liberalism as over the past two decades it has come to dominate public discourse and the modalities of the state in one country after another. March 2002.
Development NGOs, the State and Neo-Liberalism:
Paper by John C. Cross, of the Department of Sociology at The American University in Cairo, 1997, about the role of such organizations in the development of third-world nations.
Does Trade Promote Democracy?
Daniel Griswald of the Cato Institute argues that free trade promotes political freedom.
Globalisation, Neo-liberalism and Negotiated Devel
Essay by Nina Laurie and Simon Marvin of the Department of Geography at Newcastle University.
William Scheuerman on social theory and philosophical issues in globalization.
Globalization White Papers
The American Prospect's extensive writings on the globalization debate.
IDENTITIES: How Governed, Who Pays?
An electronic publication about key principles of identity formation and governance. Author: H.B. Paksoy, 2001. Carrie full-text electronic library, University of Kansas.
Is Neo-liberalism a "neo-reformism" theo
Thomas Gounet on the theory of neo-liberalism and its emergence as a new stage of capitalism.
Is Neo-liberalism Dead in Latin America?
Article by Stephen Johnson, 2003. States that liberalism is at risk of not succeeding as long as democracy and free markets are only partially adopted, and while authoritarian regimes seem to be reappearing with alarming frequency.
Liberalism and Globalization
Review of the book by Jean-Pierre Lehmann, argues that liberalism is an essential feature of society and that universal liberalism is a goal the world should pursue.
Attempts to summarise the topic as a philosophy, not simply as an economic issue.
Neo-Liberalism - an Introduction
Traces the transition from keynsian to neo-liberal economics over the past fifty years.
Neo-liberalism - Wikipedia
Encyclopedia article defines the issue.
Neo-Liberalism and Globalization
Thesis by Peru's Movimiento Revolucionario Túpac Amaru (MRTA) against neo-liberalism in Latin America.
Neo-liberalism Defined
Elizabeth Martinez and Arnoldo García provide a definition for the set of policies known as neo-liberalism and trace its impact on the world through globalization.
Neo-liberalism v2.0
Steve Tibbett, head of policy and campaigns for War on Want writes that neo-liberal policies that claim to fight poverty have the reverse effect.
Neo-Liberalism: What's behind the global econ
Argues that the philosophy of economic rationalism or "neo-liberalism" is at the core of the global economy with the main idea being that economic efficiency should reign supreme and that private profit should dominate all other values.
Neoliberal Myths and Reality
Economist Martin Hart-Landsberg examines the Mexican experience with neo-liberalism.
NewLeft.NET - Humanist Socialism vs. Neo-liberalis
News and online debate.
Parlez-vous Liberalism?
Article by Fabien Curto Millet, 2002, argues that the French public's abhorrence of liberal globalization is misplaced.
Political Aspects of Neoliberalism
Critical notes on the political doctrine and its impact on the third world during the 1990s.
Resistance to Neo-liberalism: A View from South A
Discusses its application in South Africa and the response against it.
The Credo of Neo-Liberalism
Argues that since globalization is being sold as the optimal solution for the world it is deemed necessary to fall back upon theology and disguise the lack of arguments with dogmas and neoliberal beliefs.
The Essence of Neo-liberalism
Pierre Bourdieu argues in Le Monde Diplomatique that neo-liberalism may actually impede the free market mechanisms it advocates, 1998.
The Nature of Neo-liberalism
Explanation of the subject as economic rationalism.
Under Siege! Global Capitalism and the Socialist A
Online booklet puts forward a marxist perspective on globalization.