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Chats and Forums
Global Greens Conference Website, Green (Environmental) Discussion Forum (GEDF), Green Charter Forum
Opposing Views
Darker shade of Green, Green-Watch
Center for a New American Dream, Center for Global Nonviolence, Federation of Young European Greens, Green Budget Germany (GBG/FÖS), The Center for Economic Justice, The EcoDemocrats Network, The Greens European Free Alliance, U.S. EPA Region III Green Communities
African Greens, Bulgarian Green Party, Die Grunen, European Green Party links, European Greens, Green balkan net, Green League of Finland, Green Parties Worldwide, Green Party Black Caucus, Green Party of Iran
Personal Pages
Gaia Brain, Marbet, Lloyd, Molison, Alfred
Web Rings
Vote Green Webring
European Federation of Green Parties (EFGP)
Association of Green Parties throughout Europe.
Global Greens Conference 2001
International conference of Green political parties being planned for Canberra, Australia in April 2001.
Green Liberty
Argument that the goals of the Green Party are best achieved while obeying Libertarian principles. Features viewpoints, definitions, and resources.
Green Nature
Covers the gamut of Green politics.
An umbrella site for over various green, peace, development, and other groups in the UK.
Stories, news, and other links seeking to transform the relationship between the Green Party and the rest of the progressive community by sharing the reasons for switching from mainstream parties.
It's Time for a Change
Green perspectives on democratic change, conventional ideology and elections.
Progressive Living
Poetry, resources for political action, sustainable living, and other Green/Progressive values.
Socialism Today - Red/Green articles
Socialism Today is the monthly journal of the Socialist Party.