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American Liberal
Liberal progessive webzine,with links and content dedicated to promoting democratic principles through factual information and enlightened commentary.
American Prospect Magazine
Biweekly magazine covering politics, culture, and policy from a liberal perspective. Includes well maintained archives.
Daily political news, humor and criticism of the right wing.
Liberal Slant
Liberal and progressive news, views and links.
An ezine with editorials and political news; also provides discussion board and online survey.
Political Puzzle
Offering news links, U.S. and foreign viewpoints, liberal discussion, and offering space to anyone with a political opinion from across the politial spectrum. Loaded with humor and other political links.
Riposte Journal
A Canadian e-zine which aims to involve readers in a dialogue which favours a caring approach to the environment and to those who are poor, oppressed or both.
Online journal of arts and culture and politics with a liberal bent.
Slate Magazine
Online magazine of news, politics, and culture edited by Michael Kinsley. Combines humor and insight in thoughtful analyses of current events and political news.
The Contrarian Review
A changing compilation of web articles and original commentary that advance the centrality of dissent and the need for economic justice in democratic life.
The Great Speckled Bird
The "underground" liberal newspaper of Atlanta dating from the 1960s. Links to regular columnists, their homepages and archived articles . The Bird hosts the drive to establish a formal Liberal Party of the United States.
The New Republic
A journal of politics and the arts. Liberal tradition though more recently has developed a neo-liberal bent.
The Political Left
Columns, guest editorials and news for liberals, moderates, and others on the political left.
Wanted: Vast Left-Wing Conspiracy
A progressive news source with commentary and criticism of the Republicans.
Yurica Report
Reports on government and corporate corruption, politics, art, and culture. Combines humor and insight with news intelligence analysis. Features political art in a whistle-blower's gallery.