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Agitation Nation
Commentary from the left.
All That Hype
Political opinion columns with a progressive view.
Anandan, Dananjay: The Jester - It's About Ke
A progressive digest of news, editorials, travels and satire.
Andrew Hagen
Web log that advocates "rational, progressive politics" and liberal democracy, analyzes foreign policy and the War on Terrorism, opposes gay marriage, and considers political philosophy.
Arsalan, Ahmed: Arsalan's Den
Attempts to collect and present material relevant to progressive and liberal thinking individuals around the world. Articles and songs.
AW-SM.Com : Apply Liberally
Liberal opinions on current affairs.
Beard, Elton: Busy, Busy, Busy
Intermittent observations on the state of current affairs from a centrist, liberal-minded perspective.
Calder, Jonathan: Serendib
An intermittently Liberal anthology.
Carl with a K
Political weblog and political and social commentary.
Carnevale, Alex: Neo and Paleoliberal for Life
Analysis of arts and politics by a Brown University junior.
Political commentary, opinion, and analysis.
DED Space
Social and political commentary on a variety of issues from a progressive view.
DeLong, Brad
Thoughts of the moment on economics and on other topics.
Exposing logical flaws in modern political thought, and challenging party propaganda of both sides.
Donefer, Charles: We're Left, They're Wr
Political weblog.
Freeman, Erik L: Public Reasons
Thoughts on politics and liberal political theory.
Freeman, Erik: The Image and the Helpless
Conceptualy oriented analysis of contemporary politics from a liberal perspective.
Grouchy's Liberaltopia
Views on politics, morality, and social issues.
Daily weblog of progressive ideas and cultural creativity.
Just Say Why
Opinions on current events, both local and global.
Kangas Kronicles
Online journal article delving into the circumstances of the death of liberal activist Steve Kangas. Was it a suicide or homicide?
Left Leaner
Liberal blog on the issues of the day.
Loper, George Edward
Political views and commentary. Supportive of presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich.
Maharaj, Akaash
This page serves as a forum for the publications of Akaash Maharaj, National Policy Chair of the Liberal Party of Canada, Canada's governing political party.
Mathews, Richard M.
Includes résumé, astronomical photographs, genealogy and Reflections, a continuing series of liberal articles on issues of current interest in U.S. politics.
Commentary and satire on a variety of current economic and social issues.
Out of the Blue: The Serious Side
Opinions on current poltical issues.
Pearly's Cyberspace
Links to a wide collection of essays, quotes, and personal pages about liberal politics, including views on the 2000 presidential election, criticisms of American conservatives, and essays on gun control and other issues.
Liberal Political Analysis with a Global bend.
Political Outrage
A weblog providing political analysis and opinion, updated on a regular basis. The author is a law student at the University of Arizona.
Political Rants From The Left
News and political commentary from the left of center.
Politics in the Zeros
A weblog about politics, California and otherwise. Tilts to the left.
Proud "Bleeding Hearts"
A weblog inspired by the 2004 US Presidential election. Commentary on liberal/left leaning candidates.
Redner, Joe: The Voice of Freedom
Personal commentary on recent developments, video clips, and alerts for activists in Florida.
Ron is Still Home
Political writing from the left, short fiction, links to Bob Dylan and other musicians, grateful Dead
Silverman, Mike: Red Letter Day
A weblog about politics and gay issues from a liberal point of view.
Silverstein, Richard: Tikun Olam
Journal of personal opinion on U.S. and Mideast politics, the arts, and world music.
Steve Macek's Home Page
Home page of a media scholar, critic and progressive-left political activist.
A weblog criticizing the American Right.
The Angry Liberal
Regular commentaries aiming to rebut and refute modern conservativism.
The Brooklyn Progressive
Weblog for and by today's new progressive Democrats.
The Edge
Personal commentary on current issues and events, mostly with a liberal slant.
The Liberal Zone
Opinions and views on being a liberal in America.
The Mahablog
News, opinion, and discussion critical of the Bush Administration.
The Pragmatic Progressive
Political Analysis and Commentary
News and political commentary from a liberal perspective.
Treanor, Paul
Liberalism, market, ethics; nationalism, geopolitics, the state; the future of Europe; urban theory and planning.
Way Too Much Sense
Personal political commentary aimed at a center-left audience; archives, Coulterisms of the Week, related links.
Wicksham, Andi: Cafe Underground
Personal website espousing a liberal philosophy.
Zebra Nation the Secret Samadhi for President in 2
A personal site advocating Independence, tolerance, intelligence, persistence, left-handedness