english deutsch
Adam Smith Institute Blog
Weblog from the UK free market think tank.
Personal observations on politics (libertarianism), religion (agnosticism), science and technology and entertainment.
A collaborative weblog of the libertarian economist Glen Whitman and jurist Tom W. Bell.
An Englishman's Castle
A free market and science oriented libertarian blog from England.
Balko, Radley: The Agitator
Weblog of a libertarian writer living in Arlington, Va, and publisher of The Agitator.com. His commentary frequently appears on FOXNews.com and other media websites.
Barber, Timothy: Libertarian Rant
Current events commentary with linked discussion groups and online store.
Bidinotto, Robert: Bidinotto Blog
Author, editor and award-winning journalist Robert Bidinotto dissects news, politics and the arts from perspective of principled individualism.
Bill, John: The Jmaximus Institute of Freedom
A weblog by the founder of the Jmaximus Institute of Freedom.
Blair, Tim
Weblog of an Australian journalist and commentator.
Blairy England
Family life in England under Blair. News, social and cultural and political events critiqued and commented on as they affect our family.
Branum, James M.: JMBzine.com
Personal weblog of 2001 Libertarian candidate for Constable in Travis County Precinct 5 (Central Austin).
Brito, Jerry
Personal website and weblog of libertarian law student and online editor of America's Future Foundation.
Browne, Harry: Journal
The official journal of the investment advisor and two-time Libertarian Party nominee for president.
Cafe Hayek
Libertarian weblog focused on social, political and economic issues.
Campagna, Richard V.
Weblog of the Libertarian vice presidential candidate.
A collaborative Australian weblog covering economics, geopolitics, and social commentary.
Cenedella, Marc: Stone
This weblog covers libertarian politics, internet business, historical linguistics, and New York City.
A collection of articles and original writings on the cause of liberty in general, news, commentary and links.
Chamberlain, Andrew David: The Ideashop
A weblog of the Cato Development Manager.
Chicago Boyz
Commentary from a group of University of Chicago alumni students and their friends.
Chris' Libertarianism Blog
A weblog pertaining to libertarian issues in the United Kingdom.
Classical liberal comment on the news and current affairs.
Clay, Dennis: Accounting Bum
Blog posting daily commentary and links about topical events of a political, religious, or social nature.
Cosh, Colby
The personal homepage and weblog of the National Post (Canada) journalist and editor.
Craddick, Paul: Fragmenta Philosophica
Commentary on a wide array of subjects, including current events and politics.
Cutting Edge of Ecstasy
Commentary on the news, with special focus on misgovernment by the Left and the Right, mixed with the occasional foray into technical tips, photo galleries, books, and personal updates.
Dennis, William, II: The Peoria Pundit
A libertarian columnist's website with three weblogs covering politics, current affairs and author Robert A. Heinlein.
Desde el exilio. Luis I. Gomez
Liberal thinking around politics and bioethics.
Deus Ex Machina
Making sense of the modern world with the lens of liberty and freedom.
Don't Let Me Stop You
Commentary and some humor from a libertarian conservative perspective on ideas and events. Located in heart of "the Great American Desert" at Lincoln, Nebraska.
Drezner, Daniel W.
The personal weblog of a libertarian/conservative University of Chicago political science professor.
Duff, Michael B.
Weekly commentary on foreign policy, economics, technology, and pop culture, from a (moderate) libertarian perspective.
Farrer, David: Freedom and Whisky
Libertarian commentary from Scotland.
Franks, Dale
A weblog on politics, economics, gun control and foreign affairs.
Friesen, James: Freedom and Responsibility
An essay weblog authored by the libertarian musician.
Galt, Jane: Asymmetrical Information
A New York based libertarian weblog.
Gatties, Jason: The Voice of Choice
Libertarian weblog covering politics and current events.
Global Growth Org
Weblog of Global Growth, an UK based non-governmental organisation promoting free trade to raise living standards and reduce poverty worldwide.
Globalization Institute Blog
Weblog of a London-based think tank educating in globalization from a libertarian perspective.
Goffstown Soapbox
NH local state and national political commentary. A site that explores the misuse and abuse of governmental power.
A collaborative weblog and portal with centrist libertarian/anti-authoritarian views.
Grier, Jacob: Eternal Recurrence
Libertarian weblog with book reviews.
Grubb, Tara Sue - Creative Industry Developments
Weblog of 2002 Libertarian candidate for U.S. Congress, NC-6.
Gryphon, Marie: Extra Ordinary Ideas
Libertarian weblog covering politics, education and current events.
Hanwadikar, Ashish: Ashish's Niti
A libertarian weblog with views and commentary on news related to political and economic events of the day.
Hawaii Observer
Hawaii based weblog discussing government, war and taxes.
Healy, Gene: AFF's Brainwash
Personal website of the Cato senior editor, offering his thoughts on current events and other news on an almost daily basis.
Henley, Jim: Unqualified Offerings
A political weblog.
Herbert, Aubrey: Economic Education
A Contemporary Look at Art, Economics, Culture, Political Malfeasance, and Global Affairs.
Hit & Run
Continuous news, reviews, and abuse by the staff of Reason magazine.
Holzel, Tom: Velocity Press
Weblog that that examines controversial subjects based on facts, logic and the inclusion of exculpatory evidence.
Housworth, Gordon - Intellectual Capital Group
Links and discussion on intellectual property (IP) theft, terrorism, strategic risk, infrastructure defense, and weapons proliferation.
Jacobs, Joanne
Weblog of the freelance writer and former San Jose Mercury News columnist.
Johnson, Marc: CaptiveNation(s)
Weblog with a free-lance writer's thoughts on foreign policy, libertarianism, Election 2004 and other frivolous topics.
Jones, Tsani: Mental Intervention
A libertarian writer and syndicated columnist in Los Angeles provides regular commentary and opinion.
Knapp, Alex: Heretical Ideas
Weblog on current events and culture.
Landrith, James: Taking The Gloves Off
Weblog of a libertarian activist with a special focus on "mixed-race" and veterans issues.
Lane, Brian C: LibertyNews
Libertarian weblog.
Lartigue, Casey
Weblog of the Cato academic and school choice advocate.
Lerner, Mark
Libertarian opinions on current events.
Lessman, Thomas: News and Opinions
Weblog containing political views and commentary from the 2004 Kansas City candidate for Congress.
Levy, Jacob T.
The weblog of a Chicago professor commenting on current events.
Libertarian Outlook
A libertarian weblog discussing individual rights and politics.
A liberty-oriented weblog with news.
Lindsey, Brink
Personal website and weblog of the libertarian Cato academic.
Logan, Justin
Weblog offering commentary on topics from foreign affairs to music and literature.
Lorrey, Mike
Mike Lorrey's libertarian blog.
Lorrey, Mike: SadoMikeyism
Irregular rants on what is, what was, and what will be, period. This site supersedes older blogs on blogger and zblogger.
Lott, Jeremy: Jeremiads
Weblog of the libertarian journalist.
Maynard, James
A weblog about how to bring small government solutions to big government problems.
McElravy, Evan: Future less vivid
A libertarian weblog.
Méndez, Ricardo: Omnia Mutantur
A libertarian weblog with postings on political news and current events. [Spanish, English]
Metchis, Hanah: Quare
Quare is the personal weblog of a Competitive Enterprise Institute research analyst.
Mick, Ed: Revealed Truth
This libertarian weblog covers politics, current events, sports and popular culture.
Mills, Rachel: Full Frontal Liberty
Weblog of former NC libertarian candidate for U.S. House of Representatives.
This collaborative weblog discusses civil liberties, politics and foreign relations with a libertarian focus.
Moore, Chris: libertariantoday.com
The personal weblog of the editor of Libertarian Today.
Nelms, Jason: Damn It To Hell
A colorful weblog featuring posts on politics, current events, popular culture and philosophy.
Nielsen Hayden, Patrick: Electrolite
A liberal to libertarian weblog on issues of interest to a full-time science fiction editor and part-time musician in New York.
Nolan, Gary: Campaign Blog
Campaign weblog of the 2004 Libertarian candidate for President.
Norberg, Johan
Weblog of the Swedish classical liberal author, advocate of free trade and head of political ideas at Timbro, the Swedish free-market think-tank.
O'Reilly, Kevin B.: The Howl
A libertarian weblog covering politics, Bob Dylan, the Chicago Cubs, personal matters, and other items of interest.
Oberwetter, Brooke: Obernews
Weblog commenting current issues from Washington, Dc.
Oman, Nate: A Good Oman
Weblog featuring the observations of a law student.
Palit, Suman: the Kolkata Libertarian
Libertarian weblog including commentary on Indian affairs.
Palmer, Tom G.
Personal website and weblog of the libertarian Cato academic.
Phillips, Amy: The Fifty Minute Hour
Amy Phillips comments on the state of the world and the stupidity of others.
Pina, Juan: Libertarian Blog
Weblog maintained by Spanish libertarian thinker Juan Pina.
Pollard, Stephen
Weblog of a British political columnist and author for the Adam Smith Institute.
Postrel, Virginia
Weblog, speeches, articles, and information related to her book "The Future and its Enemies."
Weblog of the Hayek Center.
Reynolds, Glenn: InstaPundit.Com
A weblog offering opinions on current events, as well as humor and personal notes.
Rimensnyder, Sara: SaraGrace
A libertarian weblog about politics and culture.
A weblog for people with a critically rational libertarian perspective. Developing the libertarian meta-context for the future. From the very serious to the extremely frivolous.
Sanchez, Julian: Notes from the Lounge
The weblog of an assistant editor of Reason magazine.
Scheie, Eric: Classical Values
A libertarian weblog discussing politics, current affairs and pop culture.
Schwartz, Missy: Listen Missy
Weblog focusing on popular culture, entertainment and the day-to-day existence of a DC area resident.
Sherlock, Dylan: Existential Crisis
Libertarian weblog by Canadian High School Senior.
Sherrie Gossett's Parallaxis blog
Observations on polarized US society with focus on the Christian-gay 'civil war.'(This professional guitarist also tosses in some music notes to boot.)
Shoutin' Across the Pacific
Three friends, two in Georgia, one in Japan, discuss current events, the arts and trends on two continents.
Singleton, Alex
Weblog of a UK-based IT journalist and free-marketeer.
Solent, Natalie
Weblog of a British libertarian.
Somewhere Over the Rainbough
A libertarian weblog focusing on politics, culture, and philosophy.
Sommer, Ben: Journal
The political Journal of composer Ben Sommer.
Steckbeck Mark: The Liberal Order
In pursuit of a classical liberal social order.
Stone, Charles: Libarchy
Commentary relating to libertarianism, individualism, belief in the Constitution and free thought.
Stop the Bleating!
Weblog by two libertarian oriented recent law school graduates; includes commentary on law and current events.
Art's commentary on current political and cultural issues.
Tagorda, Robert Garcia: Priorities & Frivoliti
A libertarian to conservative weblog covering religion, government and baseball.
Tepper, Dave: Wake Me Up on Judgement Day
Website/weblog of the INTP attorney and writer.
The Becker-Posner Blog
Weblog by Gary S. Becker and Richard A. Posner.
The Cool Blue Blog
Prose, poetry and analysis of current news and events with an emphasis on items not widely distributed.
The Firebird Libertarian
Daily updates on the day's news from an 18 year old high school student.
The Lefty Libertarian
Weblog covering politics, terrorism and world affairs.
The Libertarian in Room 101
A libertarian perspective on world events in general, and events in Sweden in particular.
The Libertarian Snakebite Kit
Libertarian commentary on political and social issues.
The Puffington Host
Group Alternablog to the Huffington Post, covering politainment.
The Red Pill - Welcome to the New World Order
Collaborative weblog covering the New World Order, globalism, the United Nations, corrupt politicians, and the power elite.
Thornton, Darmon C.
Website/weblog of a libertarian public servant.
Todd, Dann
Commentary on the obligations and benefits of individual liberty. Ramblings, musings, and random thoughts in support of freedom and opposition to collectivism.
Torch of Liberty
Analysis of events and issues from a Libertarian perspective, but not overly dogmatic or ideologically pure.
Trigg, Jeff L: RandomActOfKindness
Personal weblog of the executive director of the Libertarian Party of Illinois.
Tynan, Kirsten C.
Personal website and weblog of a longtime ifeminist and libertarian.
Ulmann, Cal: Where HipHop and Libertarianism Meet
Weblog of a college student covering hip-hop, libertarianism, politics and current affairs.
Uotinen, Patrick: Thoughtery
Weblog of a Finnish market liberal. In Finnish and in English.
Volokh Conspiracy
Academic and legal commentary from Eugene and Sasha Volokh and others.
Walker, Jesse: The Perpetual Three-Dot Column
Weblog of an associate editor of the Reason Magazine.
Waxman, Shelly
Libertarian lawyer and former US attorney grouses about legal corruption in weblog and book.
Welch, Matt
The personal weblog, articles and columns of a freelance writer and associate editor at Reason magazine.
Welsch, Chris: Neo-libertarian
A neo-libertarian blog covering foreign relations, terrorism, and general politics.
Wilkinson, Will: The Fly Bottle
A libertarian weblog.
Witemyre, Matthew: Scary Shit
A discussion of religion, state's rights, the drug war, and politics in general from a Libertarian-Democrat and former Howard Dean staffer.
Wright, John: Voice of Reason
A weblog based in the United Kingdom, discussing political, social and religious issues.
Young Liberals of India
The un-official blog of India's only classical liberal political party, the Swatantra Bharat Party.