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Berney, Jesse: Wage Slave Journal
Political essays from the left. Topics include free-speech issues, drug legalization, elections, and other political news.
Catalyzer Newsroom
Blog updated roughly daily, with a progressive, antiwar focus dealing with topics such as the war on Iraq, worker's rights and gay rights. Includes a progressive link directory.
Common Crap
Left-leaning weblog from an American living in the Netherlands.
Daily Kos
Daily weblog with political analysis on US current events from a liberal perspective.
A new magazine intended to publicize the social and political views of the underrepresented generation -- ours -- with reactions to current issues, themes, and trends in the news.
First Blush
A weblog about Politics, Arts, and Occasional Esoterica. Personal opinion and links to News Articles.
Free Dartmouth
Blog originating at Dartmouth College features international and local news analysis from independent, progressive, and liberal viewpoints.
Harry's Place
Blog featuring highlights from the web and commentary.
Political commentary from Athens, Greece.
Weblog focusing on lies told by those in power.
Message of the Day
Dedicated to putting "liberal" back into "the liberal media".
Comments on politics, philosophy, technology, and food, by a diverse group of monkeys.
Personal comments on news and politics.
Through art, questions the ways we live, build and consume.
Weekly essay on the more outrageous elements of life, government and politics in America. This site presents a progressive viewpoint.
Politics is its main focus, but this blog also has postings on literature, anthropology, music and pop culture from a lefty liberal viewpoint.
People's War
Chronicling armed struggles against imperialism worldwide.
Peoples' Army
Current political and public affairs from a proletarian point of view.
Political views from the left
Left wing liberal views examine the current political situation in the United States of America.
Pop and Politics
Pop culture, poltics and the links between the two.
Progressive Gold
A sampling of items culled from various left-wing, liberal, socialist and progressive weblogs.
Progressive Teachers
"A coalition of individuals, interest groups, and caucuses who feel that language, writing, and literacy are inseparable from issues of social justice and public policy."
A forum for progressive political thought.
Musings on politics and culture
This blog discusses current developments in American politics and policy from a liberal perspective, employing concepts from economics, history and other liberal arts.
Someone Take The Wheel
Left leaning political commentary with musical references, artwork and a pro-Clark theme running throughout.
The American Sentimentalist
The fine art of political writing in the format of a weblog.
The Fudge Said No
Opinions on anything and everything. Includes a blog and messageboards.
The Progressive Blog Alliance
Self-organized network of independent activists, journalists, and writers. Members are expected to show intolerance for oppression, bigotry, ignorance, violence, corruption, and exploitation.
Alternative news service.
News and politics with a liberal slant
Three Hegemon's blog
A selection of articles from the mass media highlighting contradictions in the exercise of US power, limits of capitalism, and movements for change around the world.
Tom DeLay-Corporate Whore
Details and arcticles of the constant selling of influence by House Majority Whip Tom Delay (Rep.-Texas).
Under Eternity Blue
A free-form public outlet for creative expression of what you perceive around you to be newsworthy.