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Freedom Party of Ontario - Issues Index - Socialis
Series of articles critiquing socialism by followers of Ayn Rand.
In Defense of "Exploitation"
Lengthy criticism of the Marxist critique of exploitation.
Liberation Capitalism
Ken Ellis recounts his experiences with the Socialist Labor Party (US) which patterns itself after the ideas of Daniel DeLeon. Claims the SLP is undemocratic and falsifies Marxist theory and quotations to support its own anarchist program.
Socialism in America
A series of short articles from the National Rifle Association arguing that America is socialist.
Socialism vs. Capitalism
C. Bradley Thompson argues that capitalism is moral and socialism is not.
Socialism: The Ultimate Evil
Balint Vazsonyi uses Soviet history to argue that socialism is immoral. From a column in the Washington Times.
The Lies of Socialism
Chapter 7 of the "Conservative Debate Handbook," an analysis that claims socialist movements are founded on false premises. Hosted by Return of the Gods.
The Marks of Marx
An editorial by Balint Vazsonyi discusses the relationship between communism and capitalism.
The Socialist Myth
A conservative critiques socialism.