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British "debate" about neo-liberalism
Tony Blair's attempt to reposition Labour as the party of "modern social democracy" was undermined yesterday when John Prescott pointedly refused to accept the term.
Independent think tank and research institute, believed to influence the policies of Tony Blair's government. Considered a centre of "Third Way" ideas.
Following the Third Way
Introduction to and advocacy of the Third Way ideas of the Clinton, Blair and Schroeder administrations.
Labour's Revisionism
Analytical study of Labour's move to "New Labour", which in part spawned "Third Way" politics.
New Economy Information Service
The furthest right edge of the social democratic spectrum, the NEIS is a project of the Foundation for Democratic Education, which overlaps with the leadership of Social Democrats USA, and includes members of both the Democratic and Republican parties. Includes Third Way approaches.
A British-based "virtual thinktank" with a "Third Way" orientation. Site includes papers, a discussion forum and mailing lists.
Replies to the Third Way/Die Neue Mitte
Responses to the Gerhard Schroeder, Tony Blair document in annotated form by Paul Treanor and through links by Joachim Bischoff, Götz Kluge and Gregor Gysi.
The Third Way in Politics, Maybe the Garden Path
Ted Honderich's account of what social democracy renewed comes to.
The Third Way/Die Neue Mitte
Document jointly authored by British Prime Minister and Labour Party leader Tony Blair and German Chancellor and SDP leader Gerhard Schroeder outlining their vision for Europe and social democracy.
The Third Way: The Radical Center
Essay by Alberto Assad on the new political center.