english deutsch
Catholic Encyclopedia: History of Marriage
The Catholic views of marriage, with comments on polygamy.
Does God accept polygamy?
Article expressing that while God accepts polygamy it was not His original intent, nor should it be justified today.
Does the Bible Condone or Condemn Polygamy?
Takes a verse about divorce and uses it to condemn polygamy.
First Angel Polygamy
Claims that the Bible says polygamy is a sin and that the OT is not valid these days. Includes letters from Polygamists.
Is Polygamy Part of God's Plan for Marriage?
Article saying that when God instituted His plan for marriage, it was that one man should have one wife.
One Flesh
Site comparing polygamy with homosexuality and prostitution, focusing on polygamy.
Does agree that polygamists should not be demanded to break up their families to convert, but claims the concept to be more cultural than Scriptural. Compares polygamy with slavery.
Analyses of attitudes toward polygamy and plural marriage in Christianity and other major religious traditions.
Polygamy in the Bible
Claims that there is not one passage in the Bible which talks about the blessings of polygamy, and that only problems arise from polygamy.
Polygamy in the NT Period
Claiming that monogamy is important to God's will, and that entering into polygamy is committing adultery.
Polygamy: Exaltation's Prerequisite or Stumbl
Resources to show that polygamy is not the highest form of union between man and wife (wives). Need to consider doctrine on its own merits or lack thereof.
Tapestry Against Polygamy
Support and resources for the refugee and advocate for changes to make the transition more conducive for those exiting the polygamous lifestyle, specifically Mormon polygamous cults.
The Center for Public Education and Information on
Dedicated to advancing the public's awareness of polygamy through education. Focus includes information on the dynamics, abuse and illegal lifetyle of Polygamy.
The Dark Side of Salt Lake City
Compares the mormons and polygamy to the taliban.
The Plain Truth About Old Testament Polygamy
Herbert W. Armstrong asserts that God did not sanction polygamy in Old Testament times and that Biblical patriarchs each had only one wife.