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Accept Polygamy as an African Tradition, WCC Told
ENI - The general secretary of the Zimbabwe Council of Churches, Densen Mafinyani, has urged the World Council of Churches to stop quibbling over whether an African church which tolerates polygamy should be accepted as a WCC member.
ACLU of Utah to Join Polygamists in Bigamy Fight
ACLU Newswire - In hopes of vanquishing what they consider a 64-year-old injustice, a small but vocal group of polygamous wives and their supporters demonstrated in front of The Salt Lake Tribune, the paper reported today.
African Woman Leads Crusade Against Polygamy
New York Times - Although she scarcely tolerates it, her problem is not so much the traditional rural practice, which is widespread throughout this region, where the economics of hardscrabble farming have long encouraged men to take more than one wife.
Court Battle Over Polygamy Coming?
The Trumpet Herald - In June, the U.S. Supreme Court in a 6-3 decision decriminalized sodomy. "Religious broadcaster Pat Robertson is asking his nationwide audience to pray that God will remove three judges from the United States' highest court so conservatives can replace them."
For Zimbabwean Father, 86 is Not Enough
CNN - Although polygamy has been accepted for centuries in Africa, many in Zimbabwe feel the practice is in direct conflict with the modern-day values now practiced in much of the country.
Gambian freeze on polygamy
BBC NEWS - President Jammeh provokes ire among Muslim traditionalists with a three-year ban on polygamous marriages.
Jesus Loves Polygamy, This I Know
Las Vegas Weekly - Christians use Internet as polygamy tool.
Marriage Issues Send my Daughter Wrong Message
USA Today, William Mattox Jr. - As the parents of a teenage daughter who hopes to get married someday, my wife and I not only have a stake in what our daughter is taught about marriage, we have a stake in what other people's sons are taught as well.
Polygamists Say Bible is on Their Side
Detroit News - Now Butt lives in Utah with three wives and five children, ministering to nearly 1,000 people around the country who call themselves Christian polygamists.
Polygamists see open door for acceptance
WorldNetDaily - Multiple-wives crowd hopes to capitalize on sodomy decision. "Polygamy is the next civil-rights battle."
Polygamy and Profit
Denver Rocky Mountain - Utah clan builds riches in Colorado, elsewhere, while growing bigger through intermarriage.
Polygamy Issue Resolved
e-Jubilee - The question of polygamy and clergy in the Celestial Church of Christ has apparently been resolved, and the Policy Reference Committee I has decided to recommend that it receive full WCC membership, according to a document released yesterday.
Polygamy Not Justified Now
Muslimedia - The verses in the Qur'an concerning polygamy refer primarily to the economic perspective of marriage in Islam.
Polygamy or Abuse? Utah Case Stirs Controversy
CNN - A court case involving a young girl refusing to stay in a polygamous relationship has stirred public debate and controversy in Utah over the issues of sex, polygamy and child abuse.
Polygamy Prosecution: State Considers Role
Standard Front Page - The issue is whether polygamy cases should be dealt with on a state level, rather than on a county level.
Polygamy Still Widespread In Burundi Society
All Africa News Agency - Bujumbura - Despite stringent anti-polygamy measures provided for in Burundi laws, the heavy penalties often meted out to polygamists and the Christian teachings that marrying more than one wife is abhorrent and immoral, polygamy is still widespread in Burundi.
Polygamy, African Christians and the Anglican Comm
In parts of Africa, the central missionary question is polygamy. The Bible is of course quite clear on the subject. Polygamy is fine in the Old Testament; and even in the New, it is only bishops who are required to be 'the husband of one wife.
Polygamy, the Natural Law and St. Thomas
The University Concourse - In her lead article last issue Kathleen van Schaijik cites others as citing "adult students" at a theological institute as citing St. Thomas as writing that polygamy is permissible according to the natural law, because one man can inseminate many women.
Russia Says No to Polygamy
BBC News - A decree by the leader of a small Muslim region in Russia allowing men to have up to four wives has been dismissed as unconstitutional by the justice minister.
Same-sex marriages open door to consensual incest,
The Philadelphia Inquirer - If we ban values, prejudice would be wrong with or without group advocacy. By Nick O'Dell
SC issues notice to SG on Muslim woman's plea
PTI - The Supreme Court on Friday issued a notice to the solicitor general of India on a petition filed by Julekhabi, a divorced Muslim woman, seeking a ban on polygamy prevalent in the community.
So Far From Home
Essence - In this column, which takes an intimate look at diverse cultures, the author travels to Paris to talk with a Senegalese woman about the unique difficulties of practicing polygamy in a cramped city apartment
Sudan Pushes Polygamy
BBC - President Bashir urges Sudanese men to take more than one wife to increase the population and promote the country's development.
The Federal Marriage Amendment: Now is the Time fo
Crosswalk - Sociologist Pitirim Sorokin prophetically noted that the stability of marriage eventually determines the welfare of the culture.
The Fifth Estate: The Bishop of Bountiful
CBC News takes look at a secretive and secluded polygamous community in British Columbia. Includes an exclusive interview with the community's leader, Winston Blackmore.
The New Polygamy
History of Washington County - Article about the history of polygamy in Utah by Douglas D. Alder and Karl F. Brooks.
Two Homes, Two Families, Two Wives
Christian Science Monitor - Thawabta and about 20 percent of the men in his village, according to local estimates, maintain that the Koran provides the framework for polygamy.
Uganda's Parliament to Re-Examine Polygamy
CNN - Sissie Nanyomba and Benna Nakato married the same man in the same month of the same year.
Why Are Good Men So Hard to Find?
Ferris State Torch - The reason why good men are so scarce these days is because we've all seemed to have forgotten a simplelesson from our childhood sandbox: sharing. Polygamy might seem like some strange Mormon practice, but Martin Luther himself advocated it and European Christians only ceased its practice 200 years ago.