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Support Groups
Personal Stories, Child Custody 911, Child Custody.org, Coalition for the Restoration of Parental Rights, CustodySource.com, When Teens Don't Visit
Child Custody and Parental Alienation Syndrome Res
Catalog of publications and resources for parents including a child psychological assessment booklet and legal consultation information.
Coalition of Mothers Against Paternal Custody
An article laying out reasons for why mothers should be granted custody of their children, with reference to one woman's experiences.
Group supporting a child's right to be with two parents. Information on non-violent public action, essays and articles, discussion forum, and personal stories of the separation of parents and children.
Supports non-custodial parents and their children in trying to maintain or restore a relationship. Includes forum, help for children and teens trying to contact their non-custodial parent, information on Men's Refuge organization, news, events, and advice.
Ohio State University Extension Factsheet: Making
A discussion of the potential problems and advice on how to communicate and work through these difficulties.
Parent and Child Advocacy Coalition of Canada
Annotated links to information on importance of shared parenting after divorce as well as related organizations and legislative contacts in Canada.
Parenting Time Calendar
Description and ordering information on a computer program for developing child custody schedules.
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: Casualties of a Custody W
Special report on a teenager's suicide, linked to troubles with his divorced parents and their custody battles.
Practice Parameters For Child Custody Evaluation
Guide for clinicians evaluating a child custody dispute.
Shared Parenting Information Group (SPIG) UK
Promotes responsible shared parenting after separation or divorce and provides information, research and resources.
The Association for Shared Parenting
Organization promoting the rights of children to the nurture of both parents. Information on membership, meetings and activities, and donation as well as links and contact information for further information or support.
The Determination of Child Custody in the USA
Article by Joan B. Kelly, Ph.D., which reviews the history of child custody decision-making and describes current custodial arrangements.