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Designers and Galleries
A Lost Manuscript, Abstract Art by Astrid Fitzgerald, Art Scope, Barry Stevens - Painted Mandalas, Blanche Paquette - Mandalas, Chapel Tibet, Charles Gilchrist Mandalas - Sacred Geometry:, Clare Goodwin's Mandala Page, Coloring Book - Magic Mandala, CosmicLight.com - Science with Spirit
Buddhist Mandala - Sacred Geometry and Art
An article on the sacred symbol of Buddhism. Construction of Mandalas by monks from Buddhist monasteries is described.
Patterns of sacred geometry in the layout of ancient sites on the landscape. Includes leys, earth energies and spirit of place studies.
Science in Ancient Artwork is expressed in geometrical and mathematical terms, encoding images and messages. Includes various mathematical proofs.
Flower of Life
What do Sacred Geometry, ancient traditions and the mysteries of the human spirit all have in common? The Flower of life and Drunvalo Melchizedek. Truths of the universe revealed.
Geometry of Sri Yantra
Artistic and Historical Background. Historical Methods of Duplication. Modern Experiments in Construction.
Human Form From Sacred Geometry
Discovery of the image of the human form in the patterns of reflective spheres clustered in a structure based on the geometry of the Great Pyramid.
Introduction to the Geometer's Angle
Nexus Network Journal column by artist Mark A. Reynolds, on the subject of sacred and contemplative geometry.
Native American Geometry
A physical, proportional geometry that originates from the simple circle.
Sacred Geometry for Fun and Personal Growth
A summary of sacred geometry, covering Pythagoras, the Golden Ratio, cymatics and creation through sound, plus a practical geometry workshop, geometric graphics, and a meditation for higher consciousness.
Sacred Geometry Home Page by Bruce Rawles
Sacred geometry is an ancient art and science which reveals the nature of our relationship to the cosmos. Its study unfolds the principle of oneness underlying all creation in its myriad expression, and leads us inevitably to the perspective of interconnectedness, inseparability and union.
Sacred Geometry of Islamic Mosques - Islam Online
This is an article describing the importance of sacred geometry in the design of Mosques.
San Graal School of Sacred Geometry
The images symbolize different aspects of the unified field theories. They represent the Sacred Geometry of Love and Sharing, and are placed here with permission to touch.
The Crop Circular, crop circles and sacred geometr
An article with illustrations on the sacred geometry of crop circles, by Freddy Silva.
The Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden section
Fibonacci numbers and the golden section in nature, art, geometry, architecture, music, geometry and even for calculating pi!