english deutsch
Biola University
Located in La Mirada, California; offers M.A. in Christian Apologetics as well as an open certification program. Information on special events, programs, and faculty.
Francis Schaeffer Institute
Provides training in evangelism, apologetics and cultural analysis; located in St. Louis, Missouri. Information on programs, faculty, current events, and the campus as well as study resources.
Frontline Ministries
Located in Napa, California. Exists to equip Christians in understanding and defending the Christian worldview through discussion groups, seminars, self-study courses, and similar services. Beliefs, information on ministries, and contact details.
Institute of Biblical Defense
Gives lectures and seminars, conducts debates and offers certificate and degree programs through resident and distance education. Resources and information on programs, faculty and events.
Net Bible Institute
Free online courses on understanding the Christian faith; answers to questions about the Bible.
St. Louis Center for Christian Study
Evangelical lay institute devoted to training Christians to better understand, apply and defend the historic Christian faith. Course and contact information.
Think Again
On-site one-day workshops focused on applying the Biblical worldview to everyday life. Description of the program, information on hosting a workship, and a bookstore.
Trinity School of Apologetics & Theology
A conservative, calvinist, separatist, dispensational, institution affiliated with the Calvin Research Group. Offers distance education masters and doctorate programs, with all courses free of charge.