english deutsch
Christian Faith: Does God Exist?
Brief summaries of the most powerful arguments in favor of the existence of a personal Creator God.
Deus est
A site dedicated to the exploration of the traditional philosophical proofs for the existence of God.
Does God Exist?
Bimonthly online journal that provides scientific evidence for God's existence. Site also includes lecture schedules, children's story, and contact information for free study resources.
Does God Exist?
Evidence for God's existence from the approaches of human experience, simple illustrations, science, dialogues, and philosophy.
Every Student: Is There a God?
Article giving six reasons to believe that God is really there.
Evidence of God
Evidence from archaeology, numerology, prophecy, testimonials, and exorcism.
Evidence of God
Strong Basis to Believe Ministries provides this source for answers about Christianity and scientific issues.
Existence of God
Presents arguments for the existence of God from the philosophy of religion. Includes simple explanations of the ontological argument, the first cause argument, the argument from design and the moral argument.
God and the Greatest Minds
Information on book by Michael Caputo as well as an online essays and bibliography.
God Exists: An Engineer Explains Why
Book-length e-text by Peter Soszek.
Internet Bible College: The Search for God
An essay expressing doubts regarding the ability of science to determine truth and presenting common arguments for the existence of God.
Jude Ministries
Summarizes the major approaches to arguing that the Christian view of God is correct.
Michael Horner Speaks Out: Does God Exist?
Apologist Michael Horner explains and defends versions of the cosmological and design arguments.
Steve Hinrichs Rational Site with a Meaningful Pur
A summary of the evidence that there is a God with a purpose for humans.
The Power of God Project
Describes one person's journey through reason, science and experience in searching for God and gives evidence for His existence.
The Skeptical Christian
An accessible site that defends good arguments for Christianity while debunking bad ones.
Tilligerry Christian Community: Evidence and Chris
Walk through the evidence for Christianity one step at a time.
Truth for the World: It Is Reasonable To Believe I
Reasons to believe that God is the source of creation.
Upon Truth
Arguments against purposeless naturalism; also some links and a contact page.
World Wide Christian Web: Evidence For God
Scientific and philosophical evidence and arguments for the existence of God.