english deutsch
Anderson, Sir Robert
Former Chief of London's Scotland Yard, turned apologist and Bible commentator. Complete online biography by his son, photos, and bibliography with extensive excerpts.
Craig, William Lane
Articles and resources by, as well as a biography of Dr. William Lane Craig.
Dembski, William A.
Biography of Dr. William A. Dembski as well as a collection of his articles.
Geisler, Norman
Christian apologist and president of Southern Evangelical Seminary in Charlotte, North Carolina. Brief biography, speaking schedule, and links to apologetics resources.
Groothuis, Douglas and Rebecca
Books, articles, speaking engagements, poetry, links, and information on the Denver Seminary.
Horner, Michael
Articles, contact details for lectures or debates, and resource ordering information.
Schaeffer, Francis A. - The Shelter
Contains biography, recommended readings, quotes, photos, articles, and an e-mail list.
Van Til, Cornelius
A group of email discussion lists for interpreting and applying the insights of this apologist and professor.
Zacharias, Ravi
Host of the "Let My People Think" and "A Slice of Infinity" radio programs. Brief biography and speaking information.