english deutsch
A Tapestry of Gefilte Fish
Describes a Messianic Jew's attempts to lead various Jewish friends to Christianity. Includes a list of questions important to a Jewish understanding of the faith.
Answering Objections
An essay about how Christians should answer objections to the Christian faith.
Apologetics in Practice
Practical apologetical strategies for defending the faith, discussing Bertrand Russell's essay "Why I am Not a Christian" as an example.
A series of resources to help Christians defend their faith. Includes links to Bible and apologetics resources and information on false teachings as well as general advice.
Evangelism and Apologetics
Essay discussing how these two topics relate.
Intellectual Faith
Christian e-book on how to witness to intellectual non-believers. Discusses the nature of faith, arguments that do and do not work, answers to common questions from atheists, and the problem of evil.
Layman Evangelism
Online training programs (require the user to buy certain materials), tracts to print out, recommended books, and other resources for the lay evangelist.
With Good Reason Apologetic Projects
Sells a Christian apologetic cassette tape by David Spiegel.