english deutsch
A journal on the Christian counterculture. Interviews, community pages, book and music reviews, discussion board, toolbox, and articles.
Boundary Stone
Articles discussing economics and Western civilization and aiming to equip and encourage Christians to engage with their culture and influence it for Christ. Also a blog, a reading list and some links.
Commentaries, RealAudio broadcasts, and resources by Chuck Colson and other writers, providing a Christian perspective on modern news and trends.
Christianity vs. the World
American based site describing the differences between a Christian-Right worldview and a liberal worldview.
Church Reform
An appeal for the church to escape a ghetto mentality and better relate to the surrounding culture.
Crossroads Project
Examines current cultural issues from a Christian perspective. Focuses on responses to Postmodernism.
Damaris Trust
Study guides, forums, and other resources that relate popular culture and secular media to the Christian faith. Also includes information on study groups, publishing, research, and other projects by this organization.
A web based think-tank promoting theological ideas in the public square. Offers news as well as workshops, conferences, and consultancy services.
Facing the Challenge of Our Times
Training program to help Christians understand and effectively respond to postmodern culture. Ordering information, articles, and free resources.
Faith and the Modern World
Articles, book reviews, and sermon notes about the relevance of Christianity to modern society.
Kjos Ministries
Facts and biblical encouragement to help believers prepare for an anti-Christian global society. Articles, FAQ, Bible studies, testimonies, quotes, charts, and news.
Legislating Morality: Why Everyone Is Doing It
Article by Frank Turek on the illogic of those who object to laws governing moral standards.
Plain Vanilla End-Times Journal
Challenging materialism and secular society with the message of Christianity.
Probe Ministries
Information on the ministry and its programs as well as answers to hundreds of questions and issues relating to various aspects of theology and modern culture.
The Cultural Commission
Set of blogs from a Christian perspective.
The King's Community Church: Applying Biblica
Articles discussing various issues in modern society and displaying biblical viewpoints on these issues.
The Willison Politics and Philosophy Resource Cent
Transcribed original documents written by principals and alumni of prestigious universities. Thoughts on political science and the role of Christianity in governing a society.
Truth, Subjectivism and the Art of Apologetics
Paul Weston considers how to communicate the gospel in the postmodern world.
Watchtower: Is Bible Morality Practical Today?
Thoughts on how following biblical moral standards benefits everyone involved.