english deutsch
A look back, a look ahead
Examines what doctrines are right according to early Christians and Scripture and seeks the restoration of Christian marriage.
Bible On Sex And Marriage, The
Quotations from the Bible says about sex and from a psycholgy book about sex and marriage.
Blessed Godsend: Prelude To A Moral Covenant For C
Explanation of a Christian morality based on love, justice, peace, freedom, affirmation of sanctity of human life and human dignity.
Christian Marriage and Divorce
An analysis of the teachings of the Bible and the Early Church on divorce and remarriage.
Christian Morality Revealed in New Spain
The Inimical Woman in Book Ten of the Florentine Codex. How the Christian moral system upset traditional Nahua notions of morality.
Christian Morals
Online complete text of Sir Thomas Brown's 1716 treatise by this title.
Christian Morals and Values
Methodically addresses several subjects with a Christian approach, each beginning with prayer.
Christian Theology and Morality
Where Christian theology and morality rooted in the best of the past looks at contemporary problems ranging from human origins to birth control.
Christianity and Pacifism
When a nation is attacked, as the US was on September 11, 2001, what is the proper response by Christians?
Church Silence Promotes Violence
Church silence promotes violence to humans, animals, environment. The intent of this series is to encourage the Church to greater works of love and compassion (John 14:12).
Examines the pros and cons, what's right, what's wrong including religious views of living together before marriage.
Conditions and Love
Examines the idea that love is an ethical condition behind law and justice, that it cannot be without conditions and that love is moral or it is not love.
Deliver Us From Evil
An overview of biblical morality as it relates to our modern culture. Does the Bible still have value in a multicultural society?
Doctrine, then Morality, then Divinity
Essay aruing that human happiness is tied to being of virtuous character, which in turn comes from knowing God.
Gospel Morality: What the New Testament says.
An effort to bring together the various new testament texts that speak on morality so that the reader may examine the original basis of christian morality and evaluate its radical nature for oneself.
Is God Necessary for Morality?
An email debate between a Christian and two atheists.
Judeo-Christian Morality Forum Frigate
Forum and live chat for discussing the morality of the Judeo-Christian heritage.
Knights of God
Helping Christians to become the people God created them to be by putting on the whole armor of God, committing to the Knights' Pledge, and warning them about deceit and temptations.
Describes Christianity as an attitude and a way of life.
Morals, Family Values, and Ethics
A contrast of Christian and secular humanist ethics from a Christian perspective.
Right and Wrong in the Christian Context
Article about the definition of ethics, Christian basis of morality, and free will, from a Catholic perspective.
Sarahs Seed a Christian Women's Quarterly
A site containing Christian devotionals for women, associated with a women's quarterly print magazine.
Seven Deadly Sins
Brief discussions of traditions associated with the seven deadly sins and their eternal punishment.
Spirit of Hosea
Encouragement and support site for those who are standing for the reconciliation of their covenant marriage.
A discussion of basic moral concepts and the author's insights, mostly presented in archives of the author's newsletter. Catholic perspective.
Tell the Church
An anonymous service for reporting problems with clergy and church leaders for action by subscribing churches.
The Elements of Moral Science (1856 ed.)
Full online text of Francis Wayland: The Elements of Moral Science (1856), a classic text on Christian morality.
The Need For a Moral Code
A short speech by Lee Bohannon that explores the necessity for a moral code.
The Restoration of Christian Marriage
The web site of Theological Foundations, a Christian ministry specializing primarily in the areas of marriage and divorce theology, teaching and practice.
The Seven Deadly Sins
The list of these vices and the virtues they oppose. A reference page with Dante's Purgatorio notes, too, and other literary/theater references.
Urban Christianz Ministries
Articles, advice and resources for Contemporary Christians
What the Bible Says About Clothing and Nakedness
Argues that the Bible does not absolutely require clothing or forbid nakedness for God's benefit, but that points to a morality based upon love on this subject.
Wisdom For Living
Essays and observations on Christian living and the decisions involved in a moral and ethical life and call for a return to morality in living.
World Religions Index: Morals
Examines if all religions point to the same truth or all religions lead to God and if there many paths to heaven. This site offers a comparison of major world religions and religious philosophies.
Writings on Christian Nonresistance and Pacifism f
An extensive links page of pacifist resources.