english deutsch
Assess Your Christian Character
Measure your Christian character, the obstacles to your spiritual growth, and your God-given spiritual gifts.
Bible Teaching on Spiritual Gifts
Bible verses, definitions and descriptions.
Discovering Our Spiritual Gifts
In-depth teaching on spiritual gifts in the context of a specific local church.
Gifted2Serve - Online Spiritual Gifts Inventory
An introduction to spiritual gifts with a spiritual gifts inventory you can take online. Extensive gift definitions included, along with some information on how to use them.
Gifts of the Spirit
A fairly thorough explanation of one particular understanding of spiritual gifts.
Heart to Heart International Ministries
Books and seminars on spiritual gifts.
Identifying and Deploying Your Spiritual Gifts
A basic overview of the theology of spiritual gifts, what they are, what the importance of them is, how to use them, and how to identify your spiritual gifts.
Ministry in Motion
A ministry dedicated to showing churches how to discover and use gifts and abilities for ministry.
Spiritual Gifts Discovery Tool
Online and offline versions of a quiz that helps people discover where their gifts for helping others lie. (Also in Croatian.)
Spiritual Gifts Test
Online Spiritual Gifts Test, 110 questions for 22 gifts.
Summit Manor Partners
Christian seminars and consulting, focusing on creativity and spiritual gifts--a professional organization dedicated to helping Christians implement their spiritual gifts in all areas of their Christian life
Team Ministry Spiritual Gifts Inventory
Developed by the Church Growth Institute, published by Ephesians Four Ministries.
Thursday Morning Bible Study
Spiritual gifts survey. Includes descriptions of 7 spiritual gifts.