english deutsch
Advice on Sexual temptation
Practical advice for a Christian teenager struggling with sexual temptation.
Articles on Overcoming Temptation
Eleven articles of varying length and quality on aspects of temptation, from a Christian church page.
Battling Online Temptation
Christian men and the battle of temptation over the internet.
Cybersex Temptation
How porn on the internet is affecting Christians; from ChristianityToday.com.
Dealing with Temptation
Essay on temptation, based on Christian Bible and the temptation of Jesus, Mathew 4:4.
Exposition of Matthew 4 (1556) by John Knox
Full title is: A Notable and Comfortable Exposition upon Matthew IV, Concerning the Temptations of Christ in the Wildeerness.
Handling Temptation While Losing Weight
From the ABCs of Weigh Loss Psychology.
Lead Me Not into Valley of Temptation
One writer's humorous exposition on the temptation of being preoccupied with chasing fortune, from the San Francisco Business Times.
Lead Us Not Into Temptation
Sermon by William Woofenden on the line from the Lord's Prayer.
Nave's Topical Bible: Temptation
Links to biblical verses addressing general and specific temptations.
On Temptation
Digitized version of the Christian classic by John Owen (1616-1683).
Overcoming Temptation
Long article in parts on dealing with temptation, in the context of Christian teachings.
Sin Central, New Yorkers Confront Temptation
Journalism students catalog and report on daily occurrences in New York on the Seven Deadly Sins.
Smoking: Self-Efficacy / Temptation
Short form that helps quantify the degree of temptation in situations that provoke smoking.
Brief article from a Christian perspective, with links to other articles.
From ChristianityToday.com, a list of archived articles on the topic of men and temptation.
Two articles from a Christian perspective: What Does the Bible Say About Temptation?, and, Selling Out for the Desire of the Moment.
Advice as found in Christian scriptures on handling temptation.
Discusses temptation and sin and suggests strategies based on biblical interpretation.
Temptation of Adam and Eve: Images
Images of classic art works depicting Adam's temptation and the expulsion from the Garden of Eden.
Temptation of Christ
From the Catholic Encyclopedia, an article analyzing the meaning of the temptation of Christ as reported in the Bible.
Temptation of St. Anthony
Painting by Hieronymus Bosch.
Testing Temptation: The Meaning of Q 11:4b
Technical analysis of temptation in what is considered to be the primary source material for the bible.
The Anatomy of Temptation
How temptation works, based on biblical scriptures.
The Great Temptation of Jesus
Analysis of how Jesus matured in his reaction to temptation, culminating in the confrontation with Satan.
The Heart of Temptation
Article from a Christian church page.
The Last Temptation of Rocky
How the Rocky Horror Picture Show mirrors the biblical story of the temptation of Christ.
The Last Temptation Reconsidered
Starting point of this article on temptation and Christ is the movie, The Last Temptation of Christ.
The Problem of Temptation
What to do when you fail.
The Temptation of Jesus
From a larger work on the study of God and evil, an article detailing meanings of Jesus's struggle with temptation.
The Terrible Temptation of Trash TV
On using the Jerry Springer show as a harmless outlet for temptation.