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Anabaptist-Mennonite History
Anabaptists: Anabaptist-Mennonite history excerpts and links.
Biography: Balthasar Hübmaier 1480-1528)
A short biography of the Anabaptist leader
COB-Net Historical Notes: Menno Simons
Biographical article.
Hall of Church History: the Anabaptists
A brief overview from an alien (Calvinist) perspective.
History of the Moravian Church by J. E. Hutton
Etext at CCEL.
Mennonite Resolutions, Statements, and Confessions
Official resolutions, position statements and confessions adopted by the Mennonite Church from 1527 to 2003.
Mennonites in Canada
The Canadian Mennonite Encyclopedia Online provides over 2000 articles on Mennonite subjects.
Radical Reformation
The Anabaptists in Switzerland, Germany and the Low Countries.
Short Confession of Faith by John Smyth
The text of a brief statement of faith written by the early Baptist leader
The Amish
A quick look at their history and beliefs
The Radical Reformation
A short description of the radical reformation and a list of links to people, works and critiques of the movement.
The Radical Reformation:
Links to a number of online resources for this movement.
The Radicals of the Reformation
Article on the Anabaptists, the Spiritualists and the Evangelical Rationalists.
The Schleitheim Confession
The historic Anabaptist creed