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A Foot-Stomping, Toe-Tapping Culture, Music on the Mountain, Religion in Song: The Craftsmanship of Shaker Musi, The Music Buffs Web Pages (Shaker Music), The Music of Angels
Canterbury Shaker Village
Cultural Museum, Restaurant, Shop (Canterbury, NH) virtual tour; contact information; online shop.
Connecticut Cane and Reed Company
Offers Shaker herbs and crafts.
Hancock Shaker Village
(Pittsfield, Massachusetts) Cultural museum: virtual tour, online shop.
IHAS - The Shakers
A brief history of the Shaker movement, including their cultural and musical contributions.
Mount Lebanon Shaker Village
(New Lebanon, NY) includes a brief overview and tourist information.
National Gallery of Art - Shaker Crafts from the I
Photographic tour.
Religious Movements: Shakers
A history of the Shakers, including a discussion of their beliefs, with links to related sites.
Sabbathday Lake
(Maine) A profile of the only remaining active Shaker community.
Sabbathday Lake Shaker Village
Historical background of the United Society of Believers (Shakers), links to museum, library archives, calendar, and the herb catalog.
Shaker Heritage Society
A non-profit historic preservation group which runs interpretive educational programming about the Shakers and their influence on the region.
Shaker Manuscripts On-Line
Online versions of some of the documents published by the early Shakers in times past, including those discussing their beliefs, prophecies and inspired transmissions from the Godhead.
Shaker Museum and Library
(Old Chatham, NY) Visitors' information and calendar.
Shaker Museum And Library
Explains museum collections, library resources, special events, nearby accommodations, and gift shop offerings at site devoted to local Shaker history.
Shaker Village of Pleasant Hill
A restored Shaker community and living museum. Includes a profile of facilities which include dining, lodging, and crafts.
Shaker Workshops
Articles on Shaker culture and craftsmanship.
Shakers - A Research Guide
(At the New York Public Library) Reference bibliography.
Smithsonian Magazine: Living a Tradition
Includes article, music clips, recipes, and links.
The Enfield Shaker Museum
(Enfield, NH) Visitors' information; bibliography.
The Shakers and the Oneida Community
Article about the interaction of the Shakers with the contemporary Oneida Community in New York. Includes a profile of the sect, its history and doctrine; by Randall Hillebrand.
The Shakers Of South Union
(Kentucky) A Shaker museum. A brief history of the sect, including a group photograph.