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Church House Bookshop, Church House Publishing, Parish Pump, The Arbory Trust, The Beacon - Youth and Outdoor Activity Centre, Visual Liturgy
Christ Church Cathedral in the Falklands, Christ Church Central, Sheffield, S Mary the Virgin Battle, St James' Church, Ryde, St. George's Chapel, Windsor Castle, The Deanery Church of St Mary the Virgin, Bocking
Bath and Wells, Birmingham, Blackburn, Bradford, Bristol, Canterbury, Carlisle, Chelmsford, Chester, Chichester
Mike's Readers Pages, The Broad Church Movement of the Church of England
News and Media
Anvil, Church Times, The Church of England Newspaper
The Anglican Benedictine Abbey of Our Lady and St
Affirming Catholicism, Anglican Cell Church Network, Anglican Mainstream, Awesome, Baptismal Integrity., Biblical Liberal, Church Society, Encounters on the Edge, Fellowship of Word and Spirit, Forward in Faith
Anglican Church Planting Initiatives, Choosing Diocesan Bishops in the Church of England, Church Growth England, Church Growth Scheme, Common Worship: Daily Prayer, eGodparent, Emmaus, English Church Growth, Evangelism.uk.net, Restoring Hope in our Church
Theological Education
Oak Hill College, Ridley Hall, Cambridge, Ripon College Cuddesdon, Oxford, St John's College, Durham, St John's College, Nottingham, St Stephen's House, Oxford, The College of the Resurrection, The Northern Ordination Course, Trinity College, Bristol, West of England Ministerial Training
A Church Near You
Searchable database of Anglican churches, initialy covering Oxfordshire, Berkshire and Buckinghamshire. Church information includes service times and location details plus links to individual church websites.
Church of England
Official site: Covers liturgy (including daily prayers), history, mission, issues, news and links. Also includes a church finder database.
Church Pastoral Aid Society
Describes the ministry, including patronage work; youth organistions; training events and leadership of this UK-based home mission society aiming to support churches in leadership, evangelism and work with young people. Also contact details, online bookshop and resources.
An interactive guide to churches and services.
The Archbishop of Canterbury
Covers biography, writings, role, office and palace (Lambeth) of the Rt Revd Rowan Williams; also press releases and information about his predecessors.
The Church of England Net Directory
Contact information about the central structures of the Church of England, and bishops, dioceses, cathedrals, deans and archdeacons. Organisations, charities, web sites, education establishments, and missionary societies, are also listed. An unofficial but excellent resource.