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A Globe of Witnesses
An online supplement to The Witness magazine. Includes news events discussion forum, and news articles from The Witness organized by subject matter.
Church Periodical Club
An affiliated organization of the Executive Council of the Episcopal Church, dedicated solely to providing free literature, both secular and religious, to people who need and request them. Site includes newsletter, names and addresses of officers.
Church Publishing
Publisher of Episcopal prayer books, hymnals and other church titles. Name changed 1997 from Church Hymnal Corporation. On-line search of clergy and congregational data.
Cowley Publications
Episcopal and Anglican bookstore. A ministry of the Society of St. John the Evangelist.
Diocesan Publications of The Episcopal Church
Lists the official publications of each diocese of the Episcopal Church, giving contact information for each publication. This list was last updated in 1999.
Episcopal Bookstore
Located in Seattle, Washington. Internet and mail order Episcopal books and religious articles.
Episcopal Cathedral Teleconferencing Network
A television and Internet broadcasting initiative of Trinity Church, Wall Street, New York City. Videotapes available on issues of comparative and practical religion.
Episcopal Church Web Hosting
Provides free web hosting and application services for Episcopal churches. Includes web positioning and design resources.
Episcopal Life
The on-line edition of Episcopal Life, a national newspaper for Episcopalians. Includes archive of selections from previous issues of Episcopal Life.
Episcopal Media Center
Produces and distributes a wide selection of audio/visual resources for Christian Education, along with church television advertisements. Features an online store, available ads.
Episcopal Media Center
Audio/visual materials, religious radio and television production. Features media store, newsletter, advertising clips and choral evensong audio presentation.
Episcopal News Service
Official news releases of the Episcopal Church in the USA.
Forward Movement Publications
Publisher of Forward Day By Day, Anglican Cycle of Prayer, other Christian books and pamphlets. Provides readings from Forward Day by Day, lists other Forward Movement titles, publication ordering information.
The Episcopal Book/Resource Center - The Episcopal
A retail bookstore located in the lobby of The Episcopal Church Center, we have more than 12,000 titles in stock, and we're here to help you find what you need. Don't know exactly what it is that you need? Can't remember that title? Just ask. You may inquire by subject, author or title. Our knowledgeable staff will refer you to the best place to find what you're looking for, even if it's not us.
The Episcopal Channel
Television commercials sponsored by the Episcopal Diocese of California.
The Episcopal News
Serving the Diocese of Los Angeles. Local and national church news and events.
The Living Church Foundation
Publisher of The Living Church magazine, The Episcopal Musician's Handbook, and Illuminations, a guide to Sunday readings. Includes a church directory and Episcopal news headlines.
The Witness
An Episcopal journal embracing the Christian liberation perspective. Current and back issues, global witness calendar.