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Adoniram and Ann Judson: America's First Fore
Short biography geared toward older children and early teens.
Adoniram Judson
A teen-oriented look at Judson's life and decision to serve God no matter the cost.
Adoniram Judson: Apostle of the Love of Christ in
A detailed look at how the love of Christ shaped Judson's entire life.
Christian Biography Resources: Adoniram Judson
Offers several short biographies of this American Baptist missionary to Burma, along with related links.
Missionary Sketches: Adoniram Judson
Traces Judson's journey of faith from his childhood in a preacher's home through his agnostic early adult years and to his ultimate conversion and subsequent ministry.
Southern Baptist Historical Library and Archives:
Short biographical profile.
The Baptist Page: Adonirum Judson
Tells how the son of a Congregationalist minister became America's first Baptist foreign missionary.
The Life And Work of Adoniram Judson, Missionary T
Brief, yet well-documented, account of Judson's life and legacy.