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Catholic Analysis, DeoOmnisGloria.com
A Doctrinal Catechism
By Stephen Keenan. 3rd American edition, 1876. Full text of book which refutes the errors of the Protestants and defends the teachings and practices of the Catholic faith. 583K.
American Catholic Truth Society
Email lists, chat channels, online debates, and debate summaries. A great starting place for the lay-Catholic apologist.
A Catholic site for Protestants and Eastern Orthodox studying the Church.
Catholicism 101, responses to some common objections, lots of links.
Augustine Club
A student organization dedicated to the study of the Christian intellectual tradition, especially with regard to the ideas and issues of our day. Offers an apologetical toolbox.
Biblical Evidence for Catholicism
This is a very large and multi-faceted site created by Catholic apologist Dave Armstrong, whose purpose is to provide information concerning the whole of Catholic theology. The apologetical material contains both original work and the work of others such as Fr. William G. Most, Scott Hahn, Fr. John A. Hardon.
C'mon Back to the Roman Catholic Church
A gentle invitation to return, for those who have become distanced from the Catholic Church.
Catholic Answers [catholic.com]
A major Apologetics site. Contains a large number of pamphlet style questions and answers about the Faith, as well as sample articles from the magazine "This Rock" and a RealAudio archive of all of their daily one-hour talkback Catholic radio programs.
Catholic Apologetics on the Internet
Directory. No annotations, but could be used as a quick reference.
Catholic Apologetics Primer
Using Scripture and quotes from the Early Church Fathers to clarify what Catholics really believe.
Catholic Biblical Apologetics
A set of lecture notes used since 1985 to teach the basis for key doctrines and dogmas of the Roman Catholic Church.
Catholic Doctrinal Concordance
This site's purpose is to give people interested in Catholicism a quick reference for the most common items of the faith. Particularly in areas where Catholics and other religions disagree.
Catholic Evidence Guild of Guam
Association of Lay Catholics in the U.S. Territory of Guam dedicated to leading men and women to Jesus Christ through clear and compelling explanations of Catholic truth.
Catholic Faith and Reason
Lay association in the Kansas City area dedicated to explaining the beauty of the Catholic faith. Essays on the Eucharist, the Holy Spirit, Mary, papal infallibility. Links.
Catholic Information League
Presents information on various topics pertaining to the Catholic Church in an easy to read graphical (tract) format.
Catholic Insight: Apologetics Central
Articles refuting Protestantism, feminism, modernism, adventism. There is a debates section. Searchable.
Catholic Response
Features online pamphlets explaining the Catholic doctrine and morality bearing the imprimatur of Bishop Fabian Bruskewicz, Bishop of Lincoln, NE.
Catholic Truth
An ordinary "cradle Catholic" and layman is distressed at the amount of misinformation on the Internet about the Catholic faith, and has decided to do what he can to set the record straight. Original topical essays, answers to anti-Catholic sites.
Catholic Youth Center Online
Dictionary, saints directory (with profiles), explanation of our faith, prayer requests, prayers, Church calendar, parish search, message boards and (JavaScript-dependent) chat rooms.
Catholics United for the Faith
Catholics United for the Faith is a non-profit, lay apostolate dedicated to promoting and defending the teachings of the Catholic Church, in unity with the Pope and the College of Bishops. Site features downloadable apologetics 'Faith Facts.'
Catholics: What Do They Believe?
Informational site uses the Bible to address the misconceptions that non-Catholics have about the Catholic Church. Topics include purgatory, confession, Mary, and the pope.
Christifideles Pizza and Theology Society
Close orthodox Catholic finder, apologetics Q&A, links. Requires JavaScript. Has popups. Opens new browser windows which remove all controls.
Catholic Evangelization Services. Information on Alpha for Catholics, Jubilee 2000, links.
Corunum Catholic Apologetic Web Page
Dedicated to the defense of Catholic doctrines within Patristic thought.
Defending the Bride
Original articles defending and explaining the truths of the Catholic faith.
Defending the Catholic Faith
Original essays, debates with non-Catholics, papal trivia, and the site owner's conversion story.
Ecclesia Triumphans Catholic Apologetics
Seeks to defend the Catholic faith using citations from the Bible and from the Fathers of the Church.
Envoy Magazine
Devoted to apologetics, equipping readers to be able to defend and explain their Catholic beliefs and practices to non-Catholics. Edited by apologist and author Patrick Madrid.
FidoNet RCatholic Apologetics
Information on the RCatholic-L mailing list and the RCatholic conference on FidoNet. Archive of past FidoNet discussions, 1994-1997. Original apologetics essays, mini-reviews of books.
Good News Ministries Catholic Lay Evangelization
Online teachings and in-parish retreats and missions, covering Church documents, scripture, prayers, lay ministry discernment, Jubilee 2000, outreach, unconditional love and service.
In Defense of the Roman Catholic Church
Explaining Catholicism to Protestants as well as Catholics, defending the Church's teaching with appeals to Scripture and reason.
Explains the Biblical foundation of the Roman Catholic Church in the form of conversion stories and FAQs on Catholic teaching.
Living Christianity
Essays, links, information on Catholicism, and some devotional material.
Lumen Verum Apologetics
Australian organisation interested in apologetics and catechetics. Offers talks and seminars in the Sydney area. Online magazine, and explanations of Catholic teaching.
My Catholic
Catholic apologetics from a Filipino perspective. Includes original essays on questions about Catholicism, a history of the Bible and short history of the Church, links.
North Forest
Features a Protestant / Catholic debate involving a former Protestant minister who converted to Catholicism.
Our Catholic Faith
Explains and corrects many of the misconceptions about the Catholic Faith.
Peter and Paul Ministries
Promotes and teaches the beauty and truth of the Catholic Faith.
Pillar of Truth Ministries
Articles by Frank Jerry on Catholic apologetics. Guest articles.
Protestant or Catholic
Is the Truer form of Christianity protestant or Catholic? Which is closer to the Faith of the First Christians?
Returning Home to the Catholic Church
A page especially for people who have either left the Catholic faith or who are not practicing it.
Scripture Catholic
Provides citations from the Old and New Testament that explain and defend the teachings of the Catholic Church.
Sean's Faith Website
Apologetics information on a variety of subjects, but with an emphasis on Mormonism, Adventism, and Jehovah's Witnesses.
Signs of the Times, Get the Facts - Then Decide
Features tracts and essays supporting the Biblical basis for the Papacy, the Sacraments, and other Catholic beliefs and practices.
Features essays and articles that present the biblical case for Catholicism.
The Catholic Legate
Deals with issues affecting today's society and their impact on Christianity and the Catholic Church.
The Defender
An education newsletter published ten times per year and provided free to those that want to defend their Catholic faith.
The Mysterious Three
Detailed Catholic replies to issues of morality, ethics, bioethics, doctrine, and present-day ecclesial controversies.
The Nazareth Resource Library
A listing of questions, answers and articles explaining the Catholic faith.
The Road to Emmaus: Catholic Apologetics
A walk through messianic prophecies and Eucharistic Scriptures just as the two disciples walked with Jesus on the road to Emmaus. Frames- and JavaScript-dependent.
The Rock of Peter
Addresses three topics for those interested in exploring the Catholic faith: the relationship of faith and reason, the doctrine of justification, and Mary.
Una Fides
A Catholic apologetics site dedicated to Christian unity through education and promoting understanding. Includes various reference materials and other resources.
What the Roman Catholic Church Really Teaches
Answers some common objections to Catholicism, which are based on misconceptions.