english deutsch
Middle Ages
Heresies, Investiture Conflict, Relations with Judaism, Taxation, Western Schism, A New Orientation For the Church, Affirmation of the Right of a Priest to Make a Wi, God, Gold Corruption and Poverty, Medieval Church.org.uk, Middle Ages, Monastic Matrix, Pope Joan, Religion and the Middle Ages, Some Thoughts on the Rise of the Western Church, The Birth of the Universities
Twentieth Century
Contents of Religious Liberty: Catholic Struggles , Nazi Persecution of the Church, Remembering the Long Hot Summer, The Ottaviani Intervention
Article from the Elwell evangelical dictionary.
History of the Catholic Church from the Renaissanc
The Jesuit James MacCaffrey's 1914 work in ebook form.
Liberal Catholicism
An article on nineteenth century liberal Catholicism from the Elwell Evangelical Dictionary.
The Church in the Modern Era
Lecture by Yuri Koszarycz covering the seventeenth to the twentieth centuries.
The European Revolution
An examination by Christopher Dawson of the cultural and intellectual developments of the two centuries preceding the French Revolution.