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Clergy Abuse
Support Groups, Abuse in the Catholic Church, Clergy Abuse Tracker, Keep Your Eyes on Jesus, Letter to Priests for Holy Thursday 2002, Online NewsHour: Church in Turmoil, Restoring Trust, Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston Sexual Abuse , Sexual Abuse by Catholic Priests, Speak Truth to Power, The Catholic Church and Sex Abuse
Catholic and Pro-life, Catholic Information Network: For Life, Donum Sanctum, Essays and Speeches, Human Life International, Life Issues, Louis & Ellen's Virtual Pro Life Corner, Missionary Catholics United For Life, National Black Catholic Apostolate for Life, Priests for Life
Access to Catholic Social Justice Teachings
Directory and some original material, with an emphasis on social justice. Labyrinthine. By Robert Waldrop.
Catholics Speak Out
A project of the Quixote Center. Promotes equality and justice in the Church, encourages genuine dialogue on issues involving sexuality. Best known for their signature ad campaigns.
Catholic, royalist, and communitarian links. Urges the implementation of the traditional social magisterium and the establishment of Catholic monarchy, particularly in France.
International Moral Truth Foundation
Catholics must stand up for those who cannot defend themselves. Apologetics, human rights, and pro-life issues.
Catholic organization involved in education, lobbying, and organizing around economic and social justice issues in the United States. Legislative issues, news, suggestions for action, membership information.
Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice
Umbrella organisation in England and Wales co-ordinates an orthodox Catholic response to the crisis in the Church, offers seminars. Special interest in religious instruction, liturgical abuse, dissent.
San Francisco Bay Catholic
The international Catholic issues site with the regional name. Strives to present a balanced view of the issues which face the Catholic Church.
Social Development & World Peace
Catholic viewpoint of world policy issues and major contemporary domestic and international issues which have significant moral and human dimensions. From the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
The Catholic-Labor Network
A loose organization of Catholic men and women in the United States concerned about social justice for working people. Catholic social teaching, especially as it relates to labor. Links.
The Last Acceptable Prejudice?
James Martin considers the current manifestations of anti-Catholic bigotry in the United States.
The Roman Catholic Reformation Organization
Newly forming organization to address the current crisis in the Catholic Church in the United States. Is establishing an endowment fund to promote the ordination of women and optional celibacy for the clergy.
Women Priests for the Catholic Church
Arguments supporting the ordination of women, against the statements of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.
Women's Ordination Conference
United States membership organization works for women's ordination as priests and bishops into a renewed priesthood in the Roman Catholic Church.