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"Ut Sit" The Apostolic Constitution
John Paul II erecting Opus Dei as a Personal Prelature.
1000 Aussies Fly to Rome for Opus Dei Founder Cano
Article about the group of Australians attending the canonization of Josemaria Escriva [CathNews]
8 from Opus Dei in Process of Canonization
Causes for canonisation are open for eight faithful of Opus Dei. [Zenit.org]
A New Way for the Church?
Few descriptions of Opus Dei have been objective, so Antonio Gaspari decided to try to find out about the movement for himself. [Inside the Vatican]
Canonization Cause to Open for Opus Dei Bishop
The Vicariate of Rome will open proceedings in the canonization cause of Bishop Alvaro del Portillo, a longtime collaborator of Opus Dei founder St Josemaria Escriva [Zenit.org]
Catholic-Hierarchy: Opus Dei
List of Opus Dei bishops and other information about the Prelature.
Cooperators of Opus Dei
Explanation of the nature, involvement and benefits of Cooperators of Opus Dei.
Decoding Opus Dei - Newsweek Society
A Vatican writer discusses the Roman Catholic Church's most controversial organization ? and how it was misrepresented in "The Da Vinci Code".
First Things -Books in Review: Opus Dei
Robert Royal reviews Opus Dei: Leadership and Vision in Today's Catholic Church by Vittorio Messori and Beyond the Threshold: A Life in Opus Dei by Maria del Carmen Tapia.
Harambee 2002
Fund for educational projects in sub-Saharan Africa, established at the canonization of Josemaría Escrivá on October 6, 2002.
Holy See: Address of John Paul II to the members o
Speech about Opus Dei given by the Pope on the occasion of the centenary of Josemaría Escrivá's birth.
John Paul II Hails Opus Dei's Priest-Laity Co
The Pope exhorts lay people to become missionaries of society during a meeting with members of Opus Dei [Zenit.org]
John Trigilio: Opus Dei
Short explanation of the organization.
Murray Hill Institute
Devoted to the study of the distinct contribution that women make to society.
Opus Dei
Personal prelature that helps ordinary lay people seek holiness in and through their everyday activities, especially through work.
Opus Dei - Catholic Sources
Catholic perspectives on Opus Dei.
Opus Dei - Quick Facts
Quick facts about Opus Dei: What is Opus Dei, where to find it and a brief history.
Opus Dei Corporate Works
Examples of apostolic works carried out by the Prelature of Opus Dei throughout the world.
Opus Dei Files
Compilation of articles dealing with Opus Dei or its founder, Josemaria Escriva.
Opus Dei Has 5 in Line for Canonization
The cause of canonization of a Guatemalan pediatrician has made significant progress as it obtained the "nihil obstat" of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints. He is the fifth member of Opus Dei in line for possible canonization [Zenit.org]
Opus Dei Information Handbook
Contains a summary of the nature, history and organisation of Opus Dei.
Opus Dei Members
Compilation of testimonials by Opus Dei members and an article by the Australian journalist and author William West.
Opus Dei Prelate Ordains 42 Priests
The head of Opus Dei ordained 42 members of the prelature to the priesthood and urged them to be "priests in love with Christ" [Zenit.org]
Opus Dei Prelate Unfazed by "Da Vinci Code&qu
Article on an interview with the prelate of Opus Dei, Bishop Javier Echevarria, on the book, "The Da Vinci Code". [Zenit.org]
Opus Dei Prelate Urges Students to Participate in
Summary of the homily by Bishop Javier Echevarria, prelate of Opus Dei, at the start of the academic year of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross [Zenit.org]
Opus Dei Vicar in the United States
Article about Fr Bohlin's appointment as Vicar of Opus Dei in the United States [Catholic News Service]
Opus Dei Woman's Cause for Beatification Open
Cardinal of Madrid begins beatification process for Guadalupe Ortíz de Landázuri a lay woman who worked closely with Blessed Josemaria Escriva, founder of Opus Dei [Zenit.org]
Opus Dei: A Dialogue Between Friend and Foe
A critical analysis of some typical arguments against Opus Dei. Too wide for smaller monitors.
Opus Dei: Fact and fiction
A long-time member of Opus Dei suggests that the facts and myths about the institution 'could not be more different.' [The-Tidings.com]
Opus Dei: In Everyday Life
Description of a typical day in the life of a member of Opus Dei, by Michael Pakaluk
Opus Dei: Its Mission, Structure and Members
Perspective on a Prelature [Zenit.org]
Ordinary Christians in the World
What is Opus Dei? By Russell Shaw.
Prelature of the Holy Cross and Opus Dei
Information on Opus Dei in Ireland, particularly in the Diocese of Limerick.
Bulletin of the Prelature of the Holy Cross and Opus Dei. It includes documents from the Holy See, news about the activities of the Prelate and of the Prelature in the service of the Church and brief articles about apostolic initiatives fostered by members of the Prelature.
Seeking Holiness in Daily Life
An Introduction to the Prelature of the Holy Cross and Opus Dei.
Shrine of Torreciudad
Torreciudad is a shrine dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary in Aragon, Spain. The new shrine, which is maintained by Opus Dei, was built under the guidance of Saint Josemaria Escriva.
The Columbia Encyclopedia: Opus Dei
Brief historical overview.
The Da Vinci Code, the Catholic Church, and Opus D
A statement from the Prelature of Opus Dei in the United States on the Da Vinci Code, with links to reviews and articles.
The Pope and Opus Dei
Article about the message of the Prelature of Opus Dei and John Paul II. Written by Father John McCloskey.
Trust the Truth
Unofficial answers to frequently asked questions about Opus Dei.
Vatican Crusade Against "Da Vinci Code"?
Clarifications about debate organized by Genoa archdiocese; Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, clarifies the nature of Opus Dei. [Zenit.org]
Who Is Opus Dei?
Backgrounder on the Catholic lay organisation. [The Southern Cross]
Youth Service International
Voluntary service organization for men. Offers programs in the United States, Mexico, Spain.