english deutsch
Calvary Chapel Tokorozawa
Saitama, Japan. Offers services in English and Japanese. Service times and location, contact details, and beliefs.
Liberty Church - Pensacola, Florida
Liberty Church is dedicated to being a spiritual Oasis for those that are wandering through the spiritual wilderness of life, without love, hope and direction for their life's journey. Includes service times, ministry information, life groups, and events page.
Light of Light Christian Fellowship
A Conservative ecumenical Charismatic church that believes in the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and uses the Liturgy of the Apostles. Offers at statement of faith, and church history. Located in New York, United States.
New Life Church
Located in Kelowna, British Columbia, New Life is a habitation, a well spring, war room, and a prophetic community of freedom. Has Church leadership information, events, ministry information, and a bookstore.
United For Christ Church, Inc.
Nondenominational church offers information on ministry and church community including worship schedule, profile of pastor and overview of ministries.
Word & Spirit Family Church
A church where the reality of His presence is experienced in every aspect of this ministry and in the lives of His people located in Illinois, United States. Has a statement of faith, ministry information, meet our staff, and an events page.