english deutsch
American Congregational Association Records
Details of these records, held in the Congregational Library in Boston.
Congregational Church
Short history in Wikipedia.
Congregational Church in American Samoa
A short history of the Congregational influence.
Congregational Federation
Features news, resources, and a directory of Congregational churches in Britain.
A brief Introduction to Congregationalism including: History, Object, Polity, Doctrine, Statement of Faith, Covenant, Mission Statement, Achievements and Future.
A short history of congregationalism in England and America.
Congregationalist Churches in the Isle of Man
A detailed history of the various churches.
Development of Congregational Polity
Beginning of Congregational form of church government by Puritans in England.
The Congregational Church in Newfoundland
An illustrated history of this church.
The Congregational Union of Ireland
Historical information about the union held by the Public Record Office of Northern Ireland.
The Congregational Way
History posted by the National Association of Congregational Christian Churches.
The Saga Of The Pilgrims
History of the Pilgrims who carried Congregationalism to the United States.
The Story of the Congregational Union of Scotland
A brief paper detailing the history of this union.