english deutsch
Fuller Theological Seminary
Embracing the Schools of Theology, Psychology and World Mission, is an evangelical, multidenominational, international and multiethnic community dedicated to the preparation of men and women for the manifold ministries of Christ and his Church.
Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary
Independent, nondenominational school with a Baptist heritage, in the evangelical tradition. Campuses in South Hamilton, Massachusetts; Boston, Massachusetts; and Charlotte, North Carolina.
Miracle Valley Bible College and Seminary
Presents the ministries of this Full Gospel college, turning out "World-Changers" full of the Holy Ghost and Power. Founded by A.A.Allen. Dr. Melvin Harter, President.
Moore Theological College
Moore College exists to serve the gospel of Jesus Christ by equipping ordination candidates, and other men and women deepen their knowledge of God as revealed in the Bible, proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ in all the world, facilitate the building of the church and care for their fellow Christians and develop in Christian faith, maturity and service.
South African Theological Seminary
A distance education seminary providing Christocentric biblical education, accredited to offer courses from certificate level to doctoral degree level.
Southern Evangelical Seminary
Charlotte, North Carolina. Graduate level courses in theology, philosophy, and ministry with a special emphasis on apologetics. Resident and external programs.
The Orlando Institute
The seminary at the headquarters of Campus Crusade for Christ. Interdenominational, evangelical, practical, and equipping leaders to disciple the nations. Lay and graduate programs; residence and extension.