english deutsch
Association of Lutheran Mission Agencies
ALMA - Provides fraternal and spiritual support to Lutheran mission agencies, societies and mission-involved congregations.
Church of Sweden Mission
Overseas work in dissemination of the Gospel.
Concordia Lutheran Laity
Sponsors theological discussions from a Reformation and Lutheran perspective through the medium of the Issues. Radio program.
Concordia Lutheran Mission Society
Listed service organization of Lutheran Church-Canada supporting the evangelistic efforts of the church.
Confess and Teach for Unity
Dedicated to the renewal of Confessional Lutheranism in parishes and synods worldwide.
Evangelical Lutheran Women Inc.
ELW of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, is a Christ centered community of women who are committed to nurturing their faith and spiritual strength to enable them to be people of God in mission.
Global Health Ministries
Lutheran Charitable organization that provides medical supplies and funding for health care missionaries. Site includes several missions related church and Sunday School projects as well as public health news from around the world.
Haiti Lutheran Mission
Evangelical Lutheran Church in Haiti / Eglise Evangelique Lutherienne D'Haiti joint program with Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. Contains mission objectives, work programs, newsletter and contacts.
Haiti Lutheran Mission Society, USA
Mission outreach of Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod congregations in the United States.
LC-MS World Mission
Trains, sends, and supports called career missionaries and appointed volunteer missionaries throughout the United States and in various countries throughout the world where there are mission stations, partner churches or mission relationships with the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.
Lutheran Association of Missionaries and Pilots
LAMP - volunteer pilots serving the missions and transportation of pastoral care personnel to remote locations in Northern Canada and Alaska.
Lutheran Association of Missionaries and Pilots U.
LAMP U.S. is a cross cultural ministry sharing Jesus Christ in remote areas of Alaska and Canada.
Lutheran Brethren World Missions
A Church of the Lutheran Bretheran evangelical missionary sending agency focusing on the unreached peoples of the world.
Lutheran Maritime Ministry of Southern California
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America ministry to seafarers, sailors and seamen in the ports of Long Beach, Los Angeles and Port Hueneme.
Lutheran Men In Mission
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America mens service organization for building faith relationships and christian mission through men's gatherings, resources (print, video, audio, and electronic) and leadership development.
Lutheran Society for Hispanic Missions
Supports Hispanic ministry in the United States by assisting, mentoring, empowering and nurturing Hispanic leaders and congregations.
Lutheran Women's Missionary League
The official women's organization of The Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod. The LWML supports mission outreach and personal spiritual development.
Lutheran Women's Missionary League - Canada
Contains list of publications, leadership profile, mission fields report, grants information, resources for local chapters, and contacts.
Lutheran Women's Missionary League: Minnesota
Contains mission program information, events, meetings, and contacts.
Lutheran Women's Missionary Society
The Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod women's missionary support group. LWMS site includes mission projects, devotions, convention information and organization structure.
Lutherans in Medical Missions (LCMS)
includes information for volunteer medical personnel for service in medical mission fields all over the world.
Missions of The Church of the Lutheran Confession
Provides information about the CLC's world mission efforts.
Norwegian Lutheran Mission
Overseas mission endeavours of The Norwegian Lutheran Church
Oklahoma District Lutheran Womens Missionary Leagu
Includes events, contacts, officers and programs of the district LC-MS mission organization.
Pentecost 2000+
The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod program for new cross-cultural ministries.
Serving Through Education and Music
STEM is an independent Lutheran service organization dedicated to fostering mutually beneficial education programs and music events in Russian, Kazakh, Spanish and English in a non-dependency producing format.
The Apple of His Eye Mission Society
Courageously declaring Y'shua as the Messiah, urgently equipping believers in Jesus to do the same.
The Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Mission
Information on mission fields, training, activities, history, and contacts.
The Oswald Hoffmann School of Christian Outreach
The school's mission is to prepare students for professional outreach ministries.