english deutsch
History of the Moravian Church by J. E. Hutton
E-text at CCEL.
Old Salem Living History Museum
(Winston-Salem, North Carolina) Reconstruction of a colonial Moravian settlement: gift shop, history, tourist information.
Religion in Newfoundland and Labrador: the Moravia
Maps, articles, original documents, and pictures.
The Moravian Historical Society
Comprehensive links to historical information about the Moravian church worldwise and in the United States.
The Moravians in Georgia 1735-1740
E-text by Adelaide L. Fries at Project Gutenberg.
The Moravians in Georgia, 1735-1740
By Adelaide L. Fries at World Wide School. Each chapter in its own file, with links to the table of contents and other chapters.
The Wachovia Settlement
(North Carolina, USA) Brief community history, with links to family records.