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Alberta NWT District Office
Represents over 150 churches and related ministries of The PAOC in Alberta and the Northwest Territories, with over 17,000 people attending each Sunday.
British Columbia & Yukon District, PAOC
District Site for BC/YT, which exists to strengthen and extend the ministry of the local church.
Central Pentecostal College
Central Pentecostal College in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, prepares people for a bible centered Christian life and ministry.
Manitoba - NW Ontario District
Serves the PAOC churches from the Saskatchewan-Manitoba border to Thunder Bay, Ontario. Our office is located in Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Maritime District
The District consist of 69 churches in three Provinces (Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick) and Bermuda with 95 pastors on staff.
Master's College and Seminary
Peterborough, Ontario.
Ontario, Eastern, District
The district includes the eastern half of the city of Toronto, the eastern part of the province of Ontario, as well as the territory of Nunavut.
Ontario, Western, District
The Western Ontario District of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada.
Ottawa Valley Pentecostal Camp
OVPC is a Christian camp with events year-round for the whole family.
Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada
Official web site. Includes general information, links to churches, publications, youth and young adult resources, and missions.
Quebec District
Vanguard College
Edmonton, Alberta (previously Northwest Bible College)