english deutsch
Princeton School
Alexander, Archibald, Hodge, A. A., Hodge, Charles, Machen, J. Gresham, Van Til, Cornelius, Warfield, B. B., The Life of Joseph Addison Alexander
Southern Tradition
Dabney, Robert Lewis, Thornwell, James Henley, A Theology of the Confederacy, Religion in the South
Doctrine as Guide to Social Witness
A consideration of new theological thinking as it relates to the church's social witness by George Hunsinger.
Haddington House
Presbyterian theological education and training through study/sabbatical centre, seminary lectures, summer schools, distance learning, lay certificate course and divinity studies.
Helping Theology Matter: A Challenge for the Mainl
A discussion of ways to increase the prominence of theological thought in the contemporary church by William C. Placher.
Scottish Preachers
Features the works of Thomas Chalmers, Sinclair Ferguson, George Gillespie, John Kennedy, John Knox and Robert Murray M'Cheyne.
The Common Faith
An early document of Presbyterian theology by John Knox.
Westminster Confession of Faith, A Study Guide
Commentary on the history of the Westminster Assembly and extensive links to a variety of resources.
Westminster Presbyterian
Church site with extensive theological archives of documents from the Princeton School and Reformed Scholasticism.