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Christian Reformed Church I, Christian Reformed Church in America, Historical Journey of the CRC, History of the Christian Reformed Church in North
Back To God Hour
A radio and television ministry of the Christian Reformed Church in North America.
Christian Reformed Church in North America
Denominational site with links to congregations, beliefs, resources, and agencies.
Christian Reformed Home Missions
This agency of the CRC provides leadership assistance for evangelism and discipleship and supports and encourages the planting of new churches.
Christian Reformed World Missions
This agency of the CRC supports about 300 long-term and short-term missionaries located in over 30 countries around the world.
Christian Reformed World Relief Committee
Relief, development, and educational ministry supported by the Christian Reformed Church in North America.
CRC Publications
Publisher of Sunday school curriculum, small group bible study lessons, church worship music, devotions, and other Christian books in the Christian Reformed tradition.
A glossary of terms and acronyms used in the CRC.
The Banner
Weekly publication of the Christian Reformed Church.