english deutsch
Earth's Final Warning
How The United States of America, Papacy, and United Nations fit in with end-time prophecy.
Education, by Ellen White
True education is well defined as the harmonious development of all the faculties - a full and adequate preparation for this life and the future eternal life.
EGW and Her Critics, by Francis Nichol
This is the most comprehensive response to various charges against Ellen G. White. Though on a few points it may not reflect the current state of knowledge on the subject, its reasoning is incisive and its perspectives helpful. (1951)
Ellen White on the Humanity of Christ
Written by Woodrow W. Whidden II, this book uses Ellen White's writings to shed light on the nature of Christ and the nature of man.
Ellet Joseph Waggoner: The Myth and the Man
By David P. McMahon. Biography of E.J. Waggoner which analyzes his relationship to the Adventist church both before and after the 1888 Minneapolis conference. Includes bibliography and detailed footnotes.
Evidence from Scripture and History of the Second
Mr. Miller gives in natural sequence the results of his studies of the Bible regarding the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ. He explains the various symbols used in prophecy, comparing scripture with scripture. Some of his main points are that, the 2nd coming will be literal; the prophecies have a historical fulfillment; and pagan and papal Rome are the main beasts spoken of in Revelation.
Experiences of a Pioneer Evangelist of the Northwe
The author was an evangelist among the early settlers of the Northwest for many years, and passed through the varied experiences of pioneer life. This book is written in the hope that through these experiences many may be led to Christ, the fountain of life, and to rejoice in hope of the glory of God. (1902)
The Ellen G. White Writings, by Arthur White
Lectures of grandson of Ellen White given on key issues regarding Mrs. White's writings: how inspiration works, the authority and integrity of Mrs. White's writings, how to understand her historical writings, and principles for interpreting her writings. The heavily documented papers were built upon the Ellen G. White documents themselves and the witness of Ellen G. White's contemporaries.