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Creation Seventh Day Adventist Church
Official site of a group that separated from the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.
New Perspectives on Seventh-day Adventism
Numerous articles and newsgroup discussion excerpts on Seventh-day Adventist theology by John Mann.
Progressive Seventh-day Adventists
Site by Ron Corson which he dedicates "to combating the harmful effects of traditional/historic sda teachings." Collection of his own articles "to correct some of the many errors which are plaguing the current SDA church" and a links to a number of divergent views.
Seventh Day Adventist - Reform Movement (SDARM) Br
Brazilian Official Website in English, News from around the World, addresses, e-mails, our history, Bible Courses, and more.
Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement
Worldwide Church Organization head-quartered in Roanoke, Virginia, VA, and independent from the Seventh-day Adventist Church. While much smaller, it has an organizational structure mirroring the Adventist church.
Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement - Northwest
Worship services, calendar of events, health corner, Bible correspondence course, location, links, and church library featured. Sacramento, CA.
Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement - Southern U
Covers ten states in the southeast area of the United States. News, events, departments, list of churches in this region and FAQs.
Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement General Conf
Worldwide organization headquarters. Beliefs, origin, events, locations, publications, Sabbath School, salvation, and Today's Manna.
Steps to Life
Home page of Historic Adventists, who protest the incursion of Calvinism into the Seventh-day Adventist Church from which they have separated.
Truth About God
Opposes Seventh-day Adventist doctrine of the Trinity on the basis of early writings in the history of the Seventh-day Adventist church.