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ADRA International News, Adventist Today News, adventist.fm, ANN - Adventist News Network
AWR: Adventist World Radio, Christian Perspectives Radio Ministry, KSDA-FM, 91.9 - JOY 92, The Voice Of Prophecy
3ABN: Three Angels Broadcasting Network, Adventist Communication Network - ACN, Amazing Facts - TV Ministry, ATN: Adventist Television Network, It Is Written TV Broadcast, KSBN Safe TV, LifeStyle Magazine Television with Dan Matthews, Loma Linda Broadcasting Network, The Hope Channel
Adventist Association for Online Evangelism
Association Seventh-day Adventist volunteers, professionals and organizations who share a common vision for online evangelism
Adventist Media Center
Audio and video production facility for Breath of Life, Faith for Today, It Is Written, La Voz de la Esperanza, Life Talk Radio, Voice of Prophecy.
Adventist Media Productions (Film & Radio Serv
News about latest projects, links to sites of affiliated programs and complete calendar of current month's programming
Adventist Review
Current issue contents, printable edition, back issues for 1999 available in PDF.
At Issue
SDAnet electronic magazine--collections of essays around a variety of topics.
Baltic Union News
Baltic Union Conference News.
Breath of Life Television Ministries
Includes online archive of audio messages by speaker Walter L. Pearson, schedule of events and program schedule.
Carter Report, The
Evangelist John Carter, who "specializes in the wonders of Biblical archeology and prophecy," has a TV broadcast "The Living Word" available on cable in Southern CA and a weekly radio program, "Focus on Prophecy."
Experience the Power - Discover the Secret of Pers
Sermons by Walter Pearson broadcast October 2 - October 30, 2004, with messages archives on site.
Filipino-Adventists Online
Online ministerial platform for Filipino-Adventists. Includes directory, bulletin boards, chatline and newsletters.
Sabbath School Leadership
Online version of magazine provides program scripts, lesson study plans, and training for people who have to be up front in church.
Spectrum Magazine
The Journal of the Association of Adventist Forums. Promotes discussion of contemporary Christian issues.
Steeple Productions
Productions of Zillah SDA Church, Washington.
Women of Spirit Magazine
Adventist bimonthly magazine that allows readers to see how other women are dealing with issues like health, divorce, child rearing, spiritual life, friendship, and single life. Archive of past stories, staff interviews, and subscribing information and links to women's resources.