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Ellen G. White Estate --The Official Ellen G. Whit
Includes devotionals, online books, a database of her published writings, an Issues & Answers section.
Ellen Vision - Authentic Historical Documents
Private Canadian web site offers text of original letters in the Day-Star 1846, the four volumes of The Spirit of Prophecy and selected testimonies.
Ellen White and Adventism
Articles from a modern Adventist perspective by respected Adventist theologians. From the AtIssue e-zine of SDAnet.
Ellen White Defend
Independent web site dedicated to defending the ministry of Ellen White against charges of her detractors.
Ellen White's Literary Sources: How Much Borr
Results of marking project in which a complete set of Ellen White's published writings was highlighted to indicate passages having literary parallels with prior non-Ellen White and non-biblical literary sources.
Elmshaven Historical Site
Historic home of Ellen White near St. Helena, CA, restored under the auspices of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and various private donors.
Official Ellen G. White's Complete Published
Online Searchable Database, a service of the Ellen G. White Estate.