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Biography of Swedenborg
Details on his life and impact on society.
Emanuel Swedenborg
A brief historical perspective on the founding of the movement known as Modern Spiritualism, presented by the First Spiritual Temple, Brookline, Massachusetts.
Emanuel Swedenborg
Information about and by this 18th Century scientist, philosopher and spiritual explorer.
Emanuel Swedenborg
Brief biography from the Victorian Web.
Emanuel Swedenborg
Brief biography of Swedenborg.
Emanuel Swedenborg
A balanced biography on him.
Emanuel Swedenborg
Brief introduction, links and information.
Emanuel Swedenborg (1688 - 1772) Scientist, Philos
Brief biography from the Swedenborgian Church.
Emanuel Swedenborg Association
An organization with the purpose of furthering the philosopher's works and teachings.
Emanuel Swedenborg Biography
Excerpted from the introduction to "A Thoughtful Soul: Reflections from Swedenborg", ed. and trans. by George F. Dole (Swedenborg Foundation, 1995).
Emanuel Swedenborg: The Man Who Talked With Angels
A short play on Swedenborg.
Brief biography and links.
Swedenborg and modern ideas.
Swedenborg, Emanuel
Article from Encarta Encyclopedia.
Swedenborg, Emanuel
Article from Encyclopedia.com.
Swedenborg, Emanuel (1688-1772)
Information about Emanuel Swedenborg.
Swedenborg: A Biography
By Dr. Jane K. Williams-Hogan, Bryn Athyn College.
The Heavenly Doctrines
Read and search the writings of Emanuel Swedenborg. Includes doctrinal introduction, topical directory and information on his life.
The Life of Emanuel Swedenborg
Extensive article on Swedenborg.
The Swedenborg Digital Library
Online books by and about Swedenborg.