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China's Miracle Revival
Accounts of healing miracles from the current Christian revival sweeping Communist China.
Corpse Raised From Death
An African Pastor is killed and enbalmed, but is resurrected when his wife believes for a miracle at a Reinhard Bonkke crusade.
Dove Ministries
Testimonies of healing miracles that happened through the ministry of Bill Subritzky.
Healed of MS
A lady shares how she was healed through the Word of God in the early stages of Multiple Sclerosis.
Holy Fire - yearly miracle
Miracle of Holy Fire that happens every year before Orthodox Easter in church of Holy Sepulchre (Jerusalem). Description, photo, video, testimonies
Jesus Answers Ministry & Newsletter
Testimonials in the lives of ordinary people, miracles, and counselling upon request.
Jesus Heals Ministries
Some testimonies of healing from a Norwegian evangelistic ministry.
Jesus the Real Vine
Testimonies of Healing in a Catholic Charismatic Prayer Group in Bombay, India
Mel's Miracle Recovery
My eldest daughter was critically ill in a hospital ICU and the doctors thought she would die. Find out about her miracle recovery following our prayers to God.
Miracle Videos
View streaming video of healing miracles done in the name of Jesus. Includes the raising of the dead, restoration of skin, flesh, eyesight, and speech.
Miracles in Romania
Divine healing in the name of Jesus in Romania.
Miracles of Christ Today
Miracle healing testimonies of people healed of cancer, deafness, MS, stroke, schizophrenia, paralysis and raised from the dead, with faith building Christian articles.
Recovering from a Broken Neck
The author broke his neck and is living to tell about it. The full story with pictures.
Rock Guitarist back from the brink of death
Caspar McCloud, a successful musician and artist, shares a little of his conversion how he was brought back miraculously after his pulse had stopped completely.
Shelton Healing Rooms
Located in Shelton Washington. Overview, opening hours, vision, healing, testimonies, radio and prayer requests.
Spokane Healing Rooms
Testimonies of people healed in modern healing rooms in Spokane, Wa.
Testimonies of healings
from Dr Ricky Roberts' ministry - includes a public forum.
The Awesome Power of God
Site devoted to serious scrutiny and documentation of miracles including those of celebrities like Natalie Cole, Evander Holyfield, and others.
The Battlefield Miracles Project
Divine intervention on the battlefield.
The Betty Baxter Story
A totally crippled up girl in horrible suffering is instantly healed by Jesus.
The Miracle of Erick's survival
Account of miracles witnessed as our son lay in a coma with a brain injury, spinal injury, and mangled legs.
There Is Hope!
Testimonies about the power of God revealed in many circumstances.
Verified Miracles through TB Joshua
Testimonies of a few of the many healed by Jesus Christ through Prophet TB Joshua.