english deutsch
Caleb Project
American scheme for training and encouraging world evangelism.
Campers On Mission
Multi-denominational short-term mission projects.
Ray Comfort teaches how to use the ten commandments in evangelism, an other advice on how to effectively witness.
Evangelism and Church Planting
Includes a guide to basic evangelism, answers to common questions about Christianity, article on evangelizing like Jesus, and how to write an effective testimony.
Evangelism Explosion
Training people to reach the world for Christ.
Evangelism Toolbox
Multilingual database of resources to help you share your faith in Christ. Offered by top evangelical organizations.
Go Tell Evangelism
Information on seminars and courses to teach Christians how to effectively share the gospel. Also includes training outline, articles, and Bible study resources.
Latter Rain
Charismatic evangelistic group offering training in child evangelism, and missions.
Mercy Street Ministries
Take a free course in street witnessing and they will mail you a free certificate in Evangelism Ministry.
Our Mission as Christians
An introduction to evangelism in the power of the Holy Spirit with signs and wonders following.
Rhema: Education
Kenneth Hagin's Word of Faith teaching and evangelism training base. Information on the RHEMA Bible Training School, Correspondence Bible School, and Institute of Biblical Studies.
School of Lifestyle Evangelism
Introduction to Brett Chaffin's ministry.
The Gathering: Witches are Real People Too
A study on American neo-paganism, explaining key ideas and perspectives and advocating a tolerant and understanding attitude. Concludes with an explanation of how to best present the Gospel to Wiccans and other neo-pagans.
The JapanNet
Training and resources for Christians ministering to Japanese.
The National Short Term Missions Conference
An annual conference to promote the education and networking of those interested in pursuing missions as a ministry full time, part time or only for a short term team.
The Navigators (U.S.)
A world-wide organization discipling and training Christians to evangelize.
US Center for World Mission
Training the Body of Christ to reach people in new frontiers.
WorldChangers Radio -- 5 Clicks to Sharing Your Fa
Learn how to share your faith with confidence! Campus Crusade training to share Christ.
Youth Leader Connection
Iowa based group revitalizing youth ministries through Scripture, structure and support.
YWAM Training
Short and long term evangelism and missions training for youths.