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Bible Challenge Weekly
Quiz to test your Bible trivia knowledge. New questions/topics posted each week.
Bible Character Clues
Identify the Bible characters based on the clues provided. Bible verses to justify the answers are provided.
Bible Quizzes
Quizzes for children and adults. Crossword puzzles, links.
Bible Quizzes - QuizCorner.com
On-line, interactive quiz on Bible. Bible Quiz is available at two levels - Basic and Classic. Also available Bible Quiz based on some of the books of Bible like Genesis and Judges. Top scores are posted.
Bible Quizzes at FunTrivia.com
An assortment of bible quizzes based on different topics and levels of difficulty.
Bible Quizzes from TwoPaths.com
Automatically scored quizzes; topical collections, some with illustrations and background music.
Bible Studies, Games, Puzzles, and Quizzes
Bible studies, games, puzzles, and quizzes that offer qualified biblical learning with a measure of serious entertainment to all lovers of Bible study.
Bible Trivia Challenge
An interactive Bible quiz by North Broadway Church of Christ.
Bible Trivia Quizzes
Free online printable and self grading scripture trivia quizzes.
Biblical Quiz and Chinese Characters
Illustrated quiz with 9 questions about the Bible, some biblical events are recorded in Chinese characters, a Chinese character with a biblical background is explained with each answer.
Christians Unite: A Bible Trivia Quiz For You
A large variety of Bible quizzes in an assortment of categories and topics.
CrossDaily.com - Bible Trivia
On-line, interactive quiz to test Bible knowledge. Good repertoire of questions covering the whole Bible. A large of Bible quizzes in an assortment of categories and topics.
Famous Mothers of the Bible Quiz
Simple quiz of Biblical mothers.
An e-mail Bible quiz program. Answers given in the form of a short Bible lesson.
St Martin-in-the-Fields Bible Crosswords
Interactive criptic on-line crosswords for books of the Bible. There is one for every chapter of the New Testament, and for some parts of the Old.
The Ultimate Bible Quiz
A Bible quiz in which Scripture verses are quoted, and 5 references are given. The challenge is to see how many verses in a row you can identify with the reference.