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Answers on Jesus Christ's Life, Death and Res
Answers to all the most frequently asked questions about Christ. Examine the evidence for His divinity, miracles and claims.
Answers questions about Jesus, Christianity and Islam.
Beyond Blind Faith
Article exploring and investigating the claims of Jesus Christ.
Blackballing Scripture: Scholarship Takes a Beadin
Exposes the politically correct skeptics and self-proclaimed Jesus experts of the so-called Jesus Seminar.
Breaking The Da Vinci Code - Christianity Today Ma
Examines the bizarre accusations made by the author of the "Da Vinci Code" and ABC News.
Brent Bozell: ABC's Empty Assault on Jesus
On Nov. 3, 2003 ABC "News" devoted an hour-long special to a bizarre conspiracy theory which slandered the Lord.
Comparing Jesus and World Religions
A brief look into the major aspects of Jesus Christ, in contrast to what's in the world's religions.
INSP Jesus: The Search Continues
Answers the biased documentary on Jesus aired by ABC News and Peter Jennings.
Jesus Seminar Preface
A critique of the Jesus Seminar by Dr. Birger Pearson of the University of California.
Jesus' Missing Years
An analysis of the biblical record showing that it is highly improbable that Jesus studied in India for the "missing" 18 years of His life.
Mel Gibson: Passion and Prejudice
Addresses the war being waged by leftist revisionist historians on the Scriptural account of Jesus Christ.
The "Swoon" Theory
Did Jesus actually just pass out on the cross, then later wake up in the tomb?
The Jesus Seminar - ChristianAnswers.Net
Who does the Jesus Seminar really speak for?
The Quest for the Lost Jesus
Introducing Muslims to the historical Jesus of Nazareth, and tools/method for researching first-century history.
Was Jesus married?
Hal Lindsey answers the blasphemous accusations made by ABC News.
Who Is I Am - Is Jesus a Lunatic, Liar, or Lord?
Explores the life of Jesus Christ. Who is Jesus? Is He God? Am I in need of a savior?
Who Was Jesus?
A critique of unorthodox and bizarre theories regarding Jesus.