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A Ready Defense - Messianic Prophecies Fulfilled i
Jesus had various credentials to support His claims to being the Messiah, God's son. One credential often overlooked is the fulfillment of prophecy in His life.
Bible Basics - Old Testament Prophecies of Jesus
Throughout the Psalms and prophets of the Old Testament there are countless prophecies about what Messiah would be like.
Bible Prophecy That Jesus Fulfilled
Lists specific Bible prophecy that Jesus fulfilled proving that He is truly the Messiah.
Biblical Prophecy Resource Center - Prophecies Ful
Examines a large list of Old Testament verses which most agree are descriptions of the Messiah.
Evidence - Messianic Prophecy
Thorough analysis of the Old Testament prophecies regarding Jesus.
Jesus and Scripture's Historical Records and
Jesus' View of the historical records of the Old Testament Scriptures.
Messianic Prophecies
Examines Old Testament texts written centuries before the coming of the Christ (Messiah) and their fulfillment by Jesus Christ.
Messianic Prophecies Fulfilled by Jesus Christ
Messianic Prophecies fulfilled by Jesus Has Old Testament prophecies about the coming Messiah with full text and the New Testament fulfillment of the prophecies, also with full text.
Messianic Prophecy
Messianic Prophecy: Reviews the incredible evidence for Jesus Christ.
Old Testament Prophecies Fulfilled by Jesus
Old Testament prophecies foretold the life and mission of Jesus Christ hundreds of years before He was born.
Over 300 Prophecies Jesus Fulfilled
Jesus of Nazareth fulfilled over 300 prophecies about the Jewish Messiah.
Prohecies Fulfilled in Jesus
There have been described in the Old Testament 300 prophecies of the first coming of the Messiah and 500 of the second coming, all of then made hundreds of years before the birth of Jesus and fulfilled to the letter in Jesus Christ, the Messiah.
Prophecies of Jesus Christ as Messiah
Evidence that Jesus Christ is the Messiah predicted by the Old Testament.
Prophecies of Jesus Fulfilled
Provides some of the prophecies Jesus came to fulfill.
The Virgin Birth of Christ: Prophecies in Genesis
The Protevangelium implies that Christ would be the seed of a woman only, and Isaiah states that he would be born of an almah, which means virgin.