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American Indian Christian Mission AICM
Organization manages a K-8 boarding school, and the Apache Christian Connection a mobile bus ministry on the White Mountain Apache Reservation in Show Low, Arizona.
American Indian Missions
Independent Christian mission in Globe, Arizona ministers to all American Indian tribes within the southwest region of the United States through various programs.
An evangelical, non-denominational, faith mission planting indigenous churches among tribal peoples of the Americas.
Continental Mission Inc.
Christian mission organization to indigenous peoples in Northern Manitoba, Canada. Outreach includes Bible studies, Midway Bible Camp, publications, and a drop-in center in Thompson.
Freddy Hall Navajo Outreach
Pentecostal church ministry in Shiprock, New Mexico equips and trains Navajo Christians for outreach ministry. Find information about the Navajo people, and vision for the work.
Grace American Indian Ministries
Native American church planting ministry of the Grace Brethren North American Missions in Winona Lake, Indiana. Features an update on the Native New Life Church established in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
InterAct Ministries
Establishing culturally relevant Evangelical churches in Native communities along the North Pacific Crescent.
Native Alaskan Ministry NAMI
A Native Ministry by Alaskan Natives is dedicated to making Disciples of Jesus Christ in villages across Alaska.
Native American Youth Ministries
Non-denominational outreach to Native Americans living in Arizona and New Mexico. Newsletters, calendar, and statement of faith.
Native Gospel Ministries of Canada
A Christian ministry to Native Americans of Canada, Dr. Joseph Jolly seeks to reach, encourage, and equip the Native people with the good news of Jesus Christ. Features an annual conference, a book about grief, and newsletter.
Navajo Missions
Organization provides Christian outreach programs that are designed to meet the physical, emotional, educational, and spiritual needs of Navajo families in the Four Corners area of New Mexico, Arizona, Utah and Colorado.
North American Indian Ministries NAIM
A non-denominational faith mission that partners with Native American Christians to evangelize, disciple, and establish churches in Native American communities in the United States and Canada.
North American Mission Board NAMB Native Ministrie
North American Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention features resources to assist Christian ministries in their efforts to evangelize Native Americans throughout North America.
Northern Youth Programs
Mennonite faith mission in Dryden, Ontario, works with Native parents, churches, and organizations to evangelize, disciple, and train Native Christians in Canada.
Northern Canada Evangelical Mission NCEM
An interdenominational faith organization seeks to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the Aboriginal peoples of Canada. Features Tribal Trails television program, Bible camps, summer mission opportunities, and Key-Way-Tin Bible Institute training school.
Overcomers Ministries
Provides Christ centered support and services to Native Americans who live in the Phillips Neighborhood of Minneapolis, Minnesota. Features On Eagles Wings Housing, Nations Christian Recovery Program, and Mission Center Project.
Regeneration Reservation
Ministering to the Apache Indian Nation in the Fort Thomas, Arizona area to establish mature Christian Native leaders for the indigenous church. Includes testimonies and games to help you understand the Apache culture.
The Creator Connection Ministries
The Creator Connection is the evangelistic and Bible teaching television ministry of Raymond Perry, a Native American Christian Veteran from the Navajo Nation in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Features Native American Veteran Crusades and Interactive Discipleship Seminars.
The Rez Connection
Seventh Day Baptist outreach ministry to Native American people on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. Features a bus ministry, Sidewalk Sabbath School, books, Bible studies, and internship program.
United Tribes for Christ Fellowship UTFCF
Christian organization seeks to bring unity among American Indian Christian believers. Organizes camp meetings that include music and Bible teaching from Carnegie, Oklahoma.
Warriors for Christ
Portland, Oregon Native American ministry seeks to evangelize, disciple, and plant Native churches on Indian reservations and urban areas in North America. Features discipleship training materials and links to Native resource sites.
Western Indian Ministries
Non-denominational evangelical mission to Native Americans in Arizona and New Mexico features a Christian school/preschool, radio stations, church development, counseling, jail and police chaplaincy.